CHAPTER 5: Future Meets Past

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"Don't you think that you are too late for that now? I'm already dead," the soul said.

Still looking at the body. "No I'm not," he answered him while he stand beside the soul and also look at the body. The soul look at him with a puzzled look. "I don't get you," he heard the soulsaid

He also looked at the soul. "Do you remember your first wish?" he asked

"My first wish? "the soul asked confuse. "Yes do you remember? "he asked again.This time the soul didn't answer right away he appears to be thinking for a while. He waited for him to answer then their eyes meet and the soul suddenly smile at him. 

"Yes my first wish is to turn back time!" he said excitedly. "But how could that be and who are you anyway?" the soul questioned him.

Really this Syl from the past is naïve they been talking for a while now and this is the first time that he noticed that he doesn't know him. Really naïve indeed! He thought

He looks at the innocent Syl who is waiting for him to answer. He took a deep breath before he speaks. "Ok I will tell you everything but no interruption alright," he said and the soul nodded. "First my name is Syl Langley. The soul's eyes become round.

"We have the same name?" he asked surprised. He nodded and continued and "I'm not from this time," he continued. "Eh?!" He stops when heard the soul reaction and he raises his right hand to stop him from another question. "As I said earlier, no interruption, I will answer all your question after I explain why I think I am here," He said.

The soul just sighed and nodded at him. "Like I said I'm not from this time, I came from the future and I think I am your future. I think I'm your reincarnation in the 21st century. I happened to buy the dangle earring in a shop and I was also able to read your diary "he said it while pointing at the items "and I think I was brought here to fulfill your wishes and my wishes as well," he continued and looked at the soul after telling him his theory.

The soul was stunned by what he heard from this person. His mouth was open and his head is slightly shaking from disbelieve. Apparently, this person in front of him is his reincarnation in the 21st century his from the future.

He stared at him for a while then he noticed that the stranger looks exactly like him except for the length of their hair and they even have the same name. "If you are from the future how come that you are here?" he asked.

"That I don't know. All I remember is after reading your diary I was really moved and I thought that if you really are my past life I want to help you, and I made a wish to help you. That's the last thing I remember before I went to sleep and when I woke up, I'm already here." Syl explained.

"You want to help me?" the soul asked him feeling emotional he could see some tears in the edge of his eyes. He just smile and shrugged and the soul smiles back at him.

"The question is how can I turn back time? If I am really your reincarnation why are we separated?" he asked to himself. "Maybe you should find the light leave everything to me" then he heard the soul sniff when the soul looks at him they both smile with each other but that smile didn't last long because the soul suddenly looks sad and said, "but I can't find any light."

"You can't?" he questions him, and the soul just nodded dejectedly. "Maybe because you still have unfinished business? Your wishes?" the soul just shrugged. Then other question pop out. Does he need to bring this naïve soul with him? He thought himself. But how?

He decided to sit with cross leg on the floor, a habit he has when he's in deep thought. If this soul was his past then he is still a part of him they are just separated by a time frame and if they are going in the same time frame they need to be fused but how?

As of now, they are both souls but if you look at it, this previous Syl time was up and he will begin in a matter of years so that means his excitant must be the dominant one. If his spiritual energy is much higher than the previous maybe he could suck him in, it may sound bad but that's the only way he could think of. He will not know if he doesn't try. He opened his eyes and stood up beside the previous Syl.

"Hey," he called the soul and he looks at him. "I have an idea," he said. He explained his plan, the soul didn't interrupt him this time he just listens to him the entire time and after explaining his plans he asked him. "So what do you think?"

The previous just look at his future for a while. His plans make sense. He sighs and said "Alright let's try it. I trust you. If ever this plan works" he stared at his body "please make him happy his heart is really good he deserves it," he talks like a third person and he laughed and look at his future again and he raises his hand towards him for him to take, when their hand touch a blinding light emerge from their link hands and the previous felt light headed and he suddenly felt relax like he found his peace.

He looks at his future again. "I guess your plan works. Thank you Syl my future," he said one last time and close his eyes and he was gone.

His past disappeared right in front of him but he heard what he said before he vanishes. That gives him more determination to fulfill his wish to help him. Then he returned his attention to their body.

Now their soul is already merged, the past and the future are one then how can I return the back time he thought again and sit beside the body.

"You are the only link from the past," he said to the body. Then without thinking he held the hand that was holding the earring. And he was engulf by a white and warm light he felt like that the body was sucking him in when he realize what was happening he didn't fight it, he let the body to suck him in until he lost consciousness.

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