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"The King is already settled in the Tupah Village, his leaving with the Earl of Seville. He was seen hunting bandits with the Prince in the mountain of Tres. They manage to kill most of them and drive the others away. He is also fixing the problem with the shortage of supplies, he already asks for help with the Barron Briddle who lives in the next village and he already agreed with him. The only problem that he has difficulty solving is the plague that's been affecting the people of the village," the man in a black cloak said while he stands and looking at the back of the man who is standing by the window while looking outside.

"He is really a capable King, in just small span of time he was able to solve two problems, but I wonder if he could solve the last one?" the man said with a mocking voice before he turns around and looks at the man in a black cloak. His smile faded and his face turns to an angry one, his eyes are full of ill intent. The man in the black cloak shivered when he saw the man's face in front of him he tried to steady the beat of his heart and look straight to the man eyes.

"Very well if the King is already settled in that village it's time to execute our plan don't you think?" the man questions him sounding quite happy. He watches as the man pour alcohol in a glass and he handed it to him. He took the glass and watch the man again. "Go on drink," he heard him say and he drank the alcohol. "Tell your people to go on with our plan, assassinate the King while he is in the village but make sure that the Prince is not with him," the man said and sat down on his chair and nods at him.

"I understand," he answered the man and put the glass down on the table, he stood up straight before bowing to the man and turn around and went out the door.

He twirls the glass with the alcohol while watching it spin around when the man in the black cloak left. "Just a little more time and this land will be mine, everything that is your's Archid will be mine," the man said while he laughed to himself.

The King watches the village from afar. He's still not satisfied with what they had accomplished. They already manage to drive away the bandits and he already asked the nobles who live near in this village for them to send supplies to the people. Those supplies are a big help for them but those won't last long. The people here need to start working but the problem is many of the people are sick because of the plague they need to find the cure from them to get better. The earl also informs him that the village is also experiencing drought in their land, though the water is still running in their irrigation, but because of unknown reason the land is still dry. Archid sighed his head is already aching just by thinking these problems.

"That's a heavy sigh you got there, Your Majesty," he heard someone said from behind and when he turned around he saw the Earl of Seville standing right behind him. Archid didn't answer and just nod and went back looking at the village.

Archid felt the man walks towards him and stand beside him and did the same thing. "What are you doing here Lord Aaron?" he asked still not looking at the man.

"Oh I'm sorry did I disturb you? Your Majesty," the Earl asked while he smiles at him. Archid shakes his head when he saw the silly smile on the man's face. This is what he likes about the Earl of Seville his an easy going man, the first day that he met the man he thought that he just liked the other nobles who will love to show off, but this man is different he immediately address the problem to him and didn't hesitate to admit his shortcomings with the situation, this noble is not a conceited man unlike the nobles in the capital.

The Earl is also a good figther himself, he saw him fight the bandits with him, from there he realize that this man was able to finish this task if only he had enough people with him but sadly he doesn't, because some of them were affected by the plague. He saw how the Earl will interact with his people, he treated them like his friends, he didn't act like someone who is above his soldier that's why they respect him. The man is not also eager to gain anything from him. He treated him as what he needs him to be. He didn't cross his boundary but there are times that he will jest with him but didn't act to close. That is why he felt quite at ease with the earl's presence.

"Oh, I came here to see my lovely wife, she's down there helping with the Wilsons," He heard the earl said and he followed the direction that he pointed and saw the wife of the Earl who just came out from a house. It's like the Lady felt that someone is watching her and looks up at their place when she saw her husband she smiled at him and wave and when she notices the King her smile was automatically gone and she bowed at him.

"Your wife she didn't like me does she?" he asked the Earl while watching the Lady who is walking towards them. He knew that Lady Belinda didn't like him, she's been hostile towards him since they came here in the village, "Ahh you've noticed, I'm sorry Your Majesty, my wife is having a hard time concealing her anger" the Earl apologizes to the King not bothering to deny anything.

"Can you tell me why she hates me, I've never met your wife or you before, so where is the hate coming from? Though I'm used to people hating me I just want to know why?" Archid asked again.

"Because you have someone that is important to her... and to us," the earl answered directly. The King looked at the Earl with questioning gaze and the Earl notice it and sighed.

"Our friend is with you, He is your only male consort, Syl Langley," Archid is surprised on what he just heard but didn't say anything instead waited for the Earl to continue. The Earl nodded to him and continued speaking, "Syl is our childhood friend his kind-hearted and a nice person, he always helps people in our village like his parents does, but one day he just disappeared and we heard that the carriage from the palace came to his house and took him. We waited for Syl to come back especially my wife but we didn't saw him after that."

"We went to the capital hoping to find Syl and from there we heard what happened to him. They said that the King took a male consort and he is the unfavored one. We heard various things that happen to him and decided to see it for ourselves but we weren't able to because we don't have permission to enter the palace to see him. My wife was very angry that day she wanted to see Syl and take him away from that place, I did too because Syl doesn't belong there, his to nice and gentle to leave among the wolves inside your palace," the Earl said and looked straight in his eyes.

"But what surprise me the most is what I heard from the Prince, Is it true that Consort Langley is giving you hell?" he heard the Earl ask with disbelieve in his voice.

Archid stared at him then started laughing at the Earl, "Yes it's true, your friend is giving me one big hell inside the palace and won't back down even once," he answered the Earl while laughing,

"That's good then," the Earl said and they both laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" they heard the irritated voice of Lady Belinda who is walking towards them. Archid turn to the Lady to answer her when he noticed something glisten coming towards them and it's about to hit Lady Belinda and without thinking he grab the Lady and turn around to cover her with his body and he felt something sharp pierce in his shoulder blade. He heard the loud scream of the Lady and worried voice of the Earl calling his name. He turned around and looks at the Earl, "I'm fine" he said but the Earl didn't hear him because he started barking orders to his men to find the one who shot the arrow.

Archid tried standing up but he found himself losing his balance and felt something that is not right with the arrow that hit him, this is not an ordinary arrow something wrong with it for him to feel this weak just by one shot he thought before he fell down and lost his consciousness.


Chapter 1-10 Edited to the best of my capabilities (*o*) (Your hermit friend tried fixing the errors. Mistakes, and the words that I myself didn't know where I get that and if I still don't meet your expectation then I'm sorry. Coz this hermit is sleeping in English writing class so yah... I don't know the basics. Like I said I'm not really a writer I just tried it because I need to get this out of my head and want to share it to anyone who would want to know... High five to those who gave their time in correcting me and giving suggestions. Kudos to those you followed this hermit. Thank you pips for reading and voting this hermit is happy... Baksu.... Baksu)

(and if you have time please stream getting closer by SEVENTEEN in youtube... Fck I'm a fan sorry if the fan in me suddenly went out so if you don't like this just pretend you didn't read this... byeii) 🤣

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