Chapter 14

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Zinnia Point of View

"I don't trust you." I heard Tuyen tell me for the nineteenth time. I pouted and looked at her with puppy wide eyes.

Why is she adamant in proving me wrong? I'm happy, doesn't it count for her?

"But Tuyen, He is a real gentleman. He treats me so well and loves me so much." I defended and tapped her shoulder gesturing her to understand me.

She is against idea of me dating someone. Why? I thought she would be happy for me when I fall in love and be loved by a man.

"And that is the exact reason I cannot trust that person you are seeing. I don't trust your judgment, Zinnia. For one, he can be a fraud." Tuyen stated with a frown and I giggled at her silly theories.

She thinks a Monk can be a fraud? Such an innocent friend I have. What do I do with her?

Though I'm the one in constant troubles for my impulsive impatient syndrome (IIS), I know that one day she will get into trouble due to her innocent mind.

I think I need to educate her one day about the world.

"He's a very good handsome Monk who can have family of his own and thankfully did not have one yet. He's clever, intelligent and very soft spoken. He loves me." Tuyen sighed out with a loud groan and hit her head on the nearby wall.

Suddenly she turned towards me and poured the glass of water she's holding on my head making me a wet stray puppy on a rainy day.

Puppies are cute but I prefer ducks and rabbits as pets over them. Ducks are so cool and Rabbits are so playful and soft.

"I hope that cools down your brain." Tuyen gritted and sat next to me on the sofa, "I met his friend, Egor – I think his name was - I met him when you sent him for beauty samples the other day. He is a pervert, Zinnia. He is not a good person and very mysterious. I can feel dangerous aura from him. Then you should be careful with this Monk of yours too." Oh, so Egor was being bad to my friend. Now I understand why she was so upset.

I know what should have happened that day. Tuyen must've felt attracted towards Egor since he has decent looks but Egor must have said something to her that had her disappointed because all her threads of attraction broke with what he said. Now she is irritated because she cannot forget him nor can she forget how handsome he is.

She's in dilemma.

"Oh, Tuyen! You got me so worried. You should not be concerned about Mr. Monk and Egor. Egor is his friend I agree but he is still under the counseling schedule with Mr. Monk. So you cannot expect a person to turn calm and good suddenly right. Egor must be into pick pocketing or something in his pre-counseled life so it is taking time for him to turn on a new leaf in his life." I explained clearly to Tuyen with a chuckle.

Sometimes she over thinks a lot that I get worried for her. But she's my sweetheart best friend so I will be there for her to cut short her thoughts.

After all, what are friends for!

"He was into pick-pocketing?" Tuyen gasped and covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief.

"No, I don't know. I was just giving you an instance. But his face does look like that." Tuyen hit her head with her hand hardly and glared at me with fantasy fire in her eyes.

Aww, she must've felt back when I called her Egor a thief. So Romantic!

"I can't – can never - put some sense into your head. You are denser than a densest person." Now what did I do? I was just following my instincts which are telling me to follow the Monk.

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