Chapter 28

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Demyan Point of View

"By the way, how did this miracle happen? I mean you took her there to break up o and for all and look at you now bonded to her completely forever?" Egor's curiosity killed the wild cat in me. His questions were like arrows that are hitting me at full force.


There were weird miracles happening in my life from the time this scarecrow entered my life. Now, I don't think I can understand the right context of the word miracle anymore.

"Can you keep your curiosity to yourself? I have lots going on here and right now I want you to find out how Valdimir knew where I was." I tried... very skillfully tried to change the topic and prayed that it works.

These days my prayers and hopes were kicking back at me.

"Uh yes, about that, I am still looking into that matter but you know what, our whole team were not surprised that Valdimir tracked your location, rather they were more interested in how Zinnia saved your life." Oh no! Uh huh!

How the hell did she save my life?

No she didn't save my life. She just played a damn game and won, that's it. I saved her life. I am the savior here and she's the victim here.

Damn word got out into my circle and now people start talking about it. Not too long I might as well loose my throne to this mental girl if I don't take necessary measures.

Zinnia as a Mafia Leader, as a Mafia Queen is a nightmare.

She will paint all my men in colors. She may also give them hip hop style dressing. She will conduct wrestling competition to fill their and our stomach as according to her, I am poor.

Wait, she may as well change my throne chair to a dinosaur or penguin character chair and name both the chairs as Mafia king penguin and Mafia queen penguin.


I can't let that happen!

That chair is mine, only I can take decisions there. I am the Mafia king. I am the leader and no one is above me. No one can make me compromise with my underground duties.

"SHE DIDN'T SAVE MY LIFE. I SAVED HER." I gritted enunciating each and every word clearly so it registers in his mind.

I had to see this day when I have to present proofs for my manliness and Mafianess.


"Alright alright. I believe you. Why are you getting your horses on fire? I believe you. Even thought you lie, and then too I only believe what you say. I will not let truth travel among our men. Don't worry, I believe you my friend." Egor... stop! You are printing invitation for your death right now.

He is such a p**sy. He knows how to get on my nerves.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM, YOU SHAMELESS." I heard a familiar female voice from the other side of the phone. Who was that?

That harsh, irritated voice, I think I heard this voice somewhere but where? I sounds extremely familiar.

"Egor? Who was that?" I asked and Egor was heaving heavily, God knows why.

"Dem baby, I will call you later. You continue manufacturing with Zinnia. I have a wild cat here to tame." Egor's voice turned sultry at the end.

What? Manufacturing with Zinnia? I scoffed at his analogy.

But then, whose voice was that? It sounded so familiar.

I walked back into the room with light steps only to find mental girl sleeping soundly on the bed hugging the pillow I use. A smile curved on my lips looking at her sleep so adorably.

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