chapter 17.

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chapter 17.

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

"My, my, my. It looks like you two have a bit of explaining to do!" Liam smirked at us.

"Yeah, yeah Liam." I waved him off. "I’ll text you sometime tomorrow because right now i’m going to bed. Goodnight."

I went to pull away from Harry but he pulled my arm back so our faces were now only a few inches apart.

"Don’t i get a goodnight kiss?" He smirked.

"Oh i almost forgot- no." I smirked back.

I pulled away and ran upstairs to mine and Niall’s room and walked straight in then shut and locked the door behind me. We do a lot of shutting and locking of the doors in this place..

I just want to sleep but i have to take the effort out to take off my clothes. Uggghhhhh.

I made my way through the dark over to the walk-in wardrobe/closet and started taking off my skirt when something grabbed my hand! DA FUCK! I started screaming and trying to get the hand off me then when i tried to pull my hand away again the thing/creature fell out and caused us both to fall to the floor.

I kept my eyes squinted closed not wanting to see what horror movie creature it was until i heard it giggling.. Then laughing.. Wait! I know this laugh! Niall! I opened my eyes only to kind Niall straddling me laughing.

"NIALL! Why did you do that?! I almost had a heart attack!" I scolded still horrorfied. He only replied in more laughter. "Niall! Stop laughing! Why would you do that to me?"

"Well i was looking for a pair of pyjama pants for bed and just as i put them on i heard someone coming in here so i decided to hide and scare whoever it was and let me tell you it was hilarious!" He explained laughing even more.

"Yeah you say hilarious and i say a near death experience. Now get off me." I pushed him off me and got up and walked over to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked from behind me.

"The bathroom?"

"Okay, carry on!"

I went into the bathroom, took off my shoes and socks, singlet and skirt and went back into the room to find Niall laying on the bed playing on his phone only wearing boxers.. Talk about ovaries being exploded- i mean, wait- what! I'm dating Harry, i shouldn’t be thinking such things.. Oh well, it was just one time right? It won’t happen again? I hope...

I went over to the bed and laid down next to Niall but under the blankets and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I pressed the home button and saw that i had 2 texts- one from Liam and one from Harry. I decided to read Harry’s one first.


Hey babe, i’m rather upset that i didn’t get a goodnight kiss! :( you’ll have to make up for it tomorrow! ;) anyways goodnight love! :) .xx

I sent him a text saying to get over it and goodnight- hehe. Now to open the text from Liam. (This is a full text conversation btw.)

Liam: So wht was tht about txting meee soon love?

Me: Liam, you have the WORST spelling i have ever seen! O.o

Liam: Now, now love. Dnt try 2 change the subject! ;)

Me: I wasn’t? I was clearly stating that you have very poor spelling “love”! ;D

Liam: Yeh, yeh. Now whts the go with u nd Harold ayeeeee? ;)

Me: First of all- learn to spell and second of all- there’s not really a “go”.. He asked me to give him a chance so i did :)

Liam: Wht happnd on the date tht made u change ur mind then? ;)

Me: Will you stop winking! We kissed.. hah..

Liam: Ooooooh! Louise nd Harold gettin it onnnn! ;)

Me: Ugh. Liam shh! I dont need the whole world knowing this so don’t be posting anything on twitter about it! I’m off to bed now, goodnight man! xo

Liam: Goooodnite love! Sweetdreamsssss! :) Xx

I locked my phone and set it back on the bedside table then got comfy underneath the covers and apparently Niall already got in there when i was texting Liam..

"Hey Louise?"


"Are you, um, yanno, dating anyone?" Niall asked shyly.

"Uh, yeah... I am..."

"WHAT?! I mean uh who?" He asked sounding a bit angry.


"Oh uh okay. Just be careful okay love?" He warned.

"Be careful of what?"

"Harry tends to get a tad- uh how do i say this, um, aroused? Maybe, uh sexual?" He said trying to put it in the right words which made me laugh.

"Your point being?"

"Just don’t rush into things and also be careful because he’s had a rep of being a player..." He warned me again.

"So you decide to tell me this after i say yes to him!"

"Sorry love! I didn’t know he was even going to ask you out!"

"Okay." I replied shivering.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Yes! How are you not! This bed is freezing!" My teeth chattered.

"Come here."

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto his body.. Well this is awkward.. I'm half naked.. But eh, he’s warm and smells good so I’ll let it slide.

"You and Harry both like to sleep naked, i can see why you like each other." He chuckled into my hair.

"I'm not naked! Only half naked!" I laughed. "Thanks Nialler."

"It’s alright love. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Niall."

And with that i drifted off to sleep.

Sorry it was such a shitty chapter/part but i promise the next one has more drama and stuff so yeah. Thanks to everyone for reading, i really appreciate it & yeah :) xo

Kidnapped by one direction. (book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum