chapter 38.

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chapter 38.



*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

I slowly pried my eyes open, much to my body's disagreement only to hear the sound of light snoring coming from beside me..

I tiredly looked to my left only to find Zayn?! Uh... I sat up only now realising that my ribs bloody hurt! Ow! Oh right- skanky bitches. YAY! Note my sarcasm. For skanks they sure can pack some kicks and punches... I slowly sat up only to see that I’ve woken Zayn up. Oh how lovely. Another problem i have to deal with so early in the damn morning. I laid back down in the bed and turned over facing away from Zayn, ignoring the pain, not wanting to face him.

“Louise i know your awake.” Zayn stated with a morning voice. And a very sexy morning voice need i add.

“No i’m not.” I replied only just realising i talked. “Shit.” I cursed under my breath.

“Come here babe.” He said gently pulling my back into his body so that we were practically spooning.. What in gods green earth..

“No. Get off me.” I hissed getting out of bed ignoring the pains i was receiving. I looked at him while he looked at me with hurt in his eyes.. Wut?

“Are you alright love?” He asked.

“Uh I’ll live... But the question is are you alright?” I questioned eyeing him.

“Yes? Why wouldn’t i be?” He sat up in the bed.

“Well for a start- you i don’t know, hated me?” I suggested still staring at him oddly.

“No i didn’t!” He said now getting out of bed too and not to mention he’s shirtless. LORD HAVE MERCY ON MY INNOCENT EYES!

“Uh well considering you said to me and i quote ‘you can go live happily ever after with Harry’... And you didn’t exactly say it nicely either. Oh and there’s also the fact that you didn’t talk to me at all until i was almost killed by your crazy fangirls yesterday. So i guess it’s silly me for thinking such an irrational thought!”

“Look Louise i am honestly sorry. I promise you that i didn’t mean anything i said!” He replied looking sincere. Well that hurt. If he didn’t mean anything he said then he lied about liking me.. Well it's allgood, i didn’t have feelings or a heart anyways.

“And no that doesn’t include me saying that i like you. I do.” He replied walking over to me so we are now only inches away.

“How did you-“

“The look on your face.” He replied cutting me off. “Louise can i tell you something, honestly?” He asked me looking into my eyes completely serious.

“Uh suuuure.” I replied nervously.

“I love you.”

 Thanks for reading & ADIOS! :D xo

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