Some Genie You Are! by miemieee

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Some Genie You Are! by miemieee

Never in Alex Thompson’s mind would’ve she believed in Genie’s. She thought they only existed in stories and cartoons, but after rubbing an exotic-looking lamp and experiencing one heck of a crazy shake to her apartment, Alex is left shocked to the bone to find an actual Genie appear in front of her. But the thing is, this Genie is no ordinary Genie. He’s dangerous, cocky and plain arrogant with an alluring smirk. He doesn’t grant your wishes on your command; he doesn’t obey to all of your words; he does things that please only him, practically, this Genie is bad news – definitely not something Alex wants to be the master of. Oh, and not to mention, this Genie is one hella of a hottie! So how on earth will Alex survive and what will she do to tame this Genie? Find out!


OHH! This book is awesome! If you want sexy genie romance then this is the book! Can't wait till the next upload! The beginning just makes you want to read on... If the beginning does that to you, what will the rest of the book do? FIND OUT NOW. Yes, i just fricking ordered you! Go! Shooo!

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