How to Hack a Heart by Arrose

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How to Hack a Heart by Arrose

I was just a hacker. Your average, seventeen-year-old, very sarcastic hacker. Well, average if you thought average meant living with your fried chicken obsessed uncle after your ex-secret agent parents mysteriously disappeared off the face of the Earth. Until that day. A simple business card from an odd boy claiming he needed a hacker for something of the utmost importance. Now? I’m working with the son of the director of the FBI to figure out who wants his father—and possibly us—dead. Not to mention not getting caught and totally not falling for him all while still trying to figure out where my parents are. As I said, nothing good could come of this.


OMG! This book is Llamatastic. This is a cool love-romancey-spy-ish-hacker-nerd book! Love it or leave it... But I advise you to read it! *THAT RHYMED ...KIND OF* C'mon guys take a dip, don't let it slip.... I'm on a roll here.... Read or smoke weed... Oh wait. Oops..Ignore that one. Please....

(Side note on a completely unrelated topic- Have any of you watched Covert Affairs? It's awesome. Any of you watched White Collar? Matt Bomer is HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. HE IS LIKE THE EPITOME OF MALE BEAUTY. Sadly he's gay. Why are all the good ones gay? WHY?!)

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