Chapter 13- Healing Juniper

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"Relax Junebug, everything will be fine, I'll be there with you the whole time." I reassure as she paces nervously in my bedroom, her anxiety for today's event being the reason she came to my house in the first her cute Thumper pajamas and matching bunny slippers.

When I saw her standing on my doorstep in the middle of the night, her hair in a mess while wrapped in a blanket, I immediately let her in...unable to say no to her cute face when she asked if she could spend the night. I have to admit that I enjoyed sharing a bed with her, and waking up with her curled up in my arms.

"I'm just worried, I don't know how this is going to go." She murmurs, tugging at the hem of the black t-shirt she borrowed from my closet, my high school mascot 'Benny the Bull' on the back, along with a pair of my basketball shorts that hang a little lower past her knees than they do on me.

"Come here." I murmur, standing up and pulling her into my arms, I'm getting anxious myself watching her pace.

"Don't stress yourself out, I'll be there with you. And from what Eva has told me, the process shouldn't be painful at all."

She leans into my embrace after a moment, her soft sigh of relief causing a content purr to bubble in my chest.

"Thanks Marzi..."

"You're welcome. Are you ready to go now?" I ask, only to be answered by her rumbling stomach.

"Breakfast first?" She questions with that powerful set of puppy dog eyes, goddess those things are going to get me into trouble.

"Alright, but it will have to be quick, we don't want to have Eva waiting for us."

After a quick breakfast of fruit and cinnamon bagels, we head down to the clinic together, sitting in the nearest room to wait for Eva. When she arrives with Beta Julian in tow a few minutes later I take a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm considering Juniper is nervous enough.

Eva immediately sets up a large mat on the floor and faces Juniper with a serious, teacher like expression.

"Ok Juniper, I'm going to simply have you sit on this yoga mat in whatever seated position you would like.  Hopefully explaining what I am going to do first before I begin will help you relax.  I will work with your seven chakras or what I like to consider as energy focal points.  You need to learn how to balance these on your own, but maybe if I can push some of my energy into these seven points - maybe it will "jump start" some healing - if this is the reason for some of the problems contacting your wolf.  Let me know when you are ready."

Juniper takes a seated position on the mat, while I stand in the corner closest to her. Once she looks comfortable, Eva takes a seated position directly facing her.

"Let me explain each chakra briefly, showing the positions on my body first before I begin."

"Here at the base of the spine is the first chakra - referred to as the Earth or root chakra.  It keeps us grounded.  If out of balance, you might feel as if you are disconnected.  Sometimes it is blocked by fear."

"Here near the navel is the second chakra - referred to as the Water or sacral chakra.  It is responsible for water movement in the body.  If out of balance, you might have problems with anything in or around that area of the body.  Sometimes it is blocked by guilt."

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