Chapter 23- Family Reunion

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Above is Juniper's mom, Heather. Enjoy! 😊


My body hums with anticipation and anxiety as Mariah drives us back into Blackrose territory, my wolf pacing in my head as she begs to go for yet another of dozens we've gone on since my first shift, a lot of them with our mate...who's greatly enjoyed every one of them.

I'm so happy to be home again, especially since Alpha Scarlett said Eva was going to get here a few hours before we did, and will be staying until tomorrow...which means I'll be able to tell her the good news of my first shift...and me and Mariah's completed mate bond. She helped make this possible, she deserves to know how grateful I am...

There's also telling my mom...which is a more complicated matter. She was supportive, though hesitant about me finding my dad...I know that she'll be thrilled about me and Mariah...but there is something else she doesn't know about my return home...

I brought dad with me...

I convinced him to come with us to see my mother and tell her what he and the Alpha had told try and talk things over...they need that more than anything.

He's following behind us in his truck, and he's just as anxious as I am.

"Junebug, I think you should tell your mom about your dad coming here...before she sees him. might go incredibly bad..." Mariah murmurs, and I can't honestly mother has a bit of a temper, she'd probably spend the entire meeting cursing him and telling him to go to hell if I don't.

"Let's just see Eva first...okay?" I ask, and she nods as her hand squeezes mine.

~Welcome back you two.~ Alpha Scarlett calls through our link, and I jump a little at how different it sounds through my wolfs ears instead through the magic link...

~Thank you's good to be back.~ I answer tentatively.

~I believe congratulations are in order Juniper, I'm happy to hear you finally shifted...and that your mate bond is complete.~

~Thank you...again...~ I murmur with embarrassment, and I can hear the Alpha chuckle through the link.

~You're certainly welcome. And since I can guess your first question, Eva has just left the orphan home and is going back to the pack should be able to catch her there...while your guest waits in the pack house, I would like to meet him.~ She continues.

~We appreciate that Scarlett.~ Mariah answers as she pulls up to the pack house, my dad parking beside us. We all get out of our vehicles to wait, Mariah chuckling as I almost bounce with impatience...I've never been one to stay still for very long, me connecting with my wolf has only made it more intense.

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, I see Eva walking up...and I wave to her excitedly to catch her attention, her surprised expression lighting up her face. Mariah literally has to hold onto me to keep me from running to her, saying that I shouldn't tackle her...

"Juniper! Mariah! It's good to see you, I didn't think you'd be back before I left!" She says with smile, "how did everything go-?" She halts as she notices Mariah's mark on my shoulder, exposed by my tank top...and then the juniper bonsai mark I gave Mariah, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You completed the mate bond? And shifted?" She asks, and I nod excitedly.

"Yes! You helped so much Eva! I wanted to thank you again!" I say as I engulf her in a hug, and she grunts and winces in response.

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