Conquest : Loafter

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Chap 38

It's been a while.
I'm the shameless heroine of this world(?)
I'm a proper young lady of a prestigious Plauvendure Family.
My father is a duke and a Prime Minister of our country. My Paternal Grandparents are heroes of our country. When my grandmother dies my grandfather become a perverted slutty bastard.
My mother is a true blue princess of a neighboring country.
She's very beautiful and smart.
My maternal grandparents are King and Queen.They are very strict but they pamper me and brother.
My one and only big brother is Iris Plauvendure.He is smart and perfect. Don't think of falling inlove with him.He has a male lover already.
I wonder if they already tell father and mother.

I..Seya Plauvendure misses my family and someone else I don't want to name...but I can't leave because of this damn demon.

Loafter Senile
390 years old
A half beast half human evolve into demon.
He is born in a farmer's family not knowing anything about his bloodline.His abnormal growth speed and strength give him away.
He was harshly single out in his town and eventually,even his mother been abuse and beaten up by people and died tragically.
His only support,death infront of him,awaken his demon powers and berserk.
Everyone in the town died in his hands from rage.But what made him truly demon is his heart that still wants to become human remember how he was sinned.The pain that he can never turn back made him detach and seclude himself in the deepest of forest.
His affection turns from human to beast.He became more beast than human.And then he become,a beast protector.

Make him more human.
Open his heart.
Become his friend.
Become his strength.

Affection meter : 39% he likes you atleast.Make more progress.

Reward : Sword of Burning Love
(Only male lover of the heroine can use this.This will boost the fire power of the user.And if the user will be inflicted with life threatening injury,as long as the user has the sword at hand that time,the sword can use as his replacement and take the blow instead of the user.)


"Oy..Bring me to town.I miss my family."
Seya poke the cheek of Loafter.
Loafter without his armor is just a short blue haired handsome ikemen. He always wear a distant stare and a poker face but he can make an irritating face too.

"Seya...if you want to leave.Leave."

Seya go to the basin and stare at Loafter.

"Stop doing more work for me." He says as he predict that the basin full of cold water will surely fly to him any minute.

"Hmp.I can fight demons but I can't fight a dozen even hundreds of them!! You famn Demon King!"

Oh yes.
He was promoted to Demon King.
That is why he is so powerful.

"Why do you want to see them? I told you,they are doing fine."

"I want to see them and touch them."

"Then,I'll bring them here."

"Why are you so persistent on making me stay? "

Loafter look at Seya.

"At first,I want to train you. You become sp strong you can kill a young demon now."

"Yeah.yeah.Tell me something I don't know."

Loafter tells me that he just want to make fun at me but I'm so strong he trained me seriously.
Years pass and he became more sociable with me.He tells stories of his day of exploration and he go to the town to see my parents well being but he never bring me with him.

"You can't captivate me forever." I sigh.

"Seya..I just want to have you for more years....can't i?"

"You can't."

"....but..It'll became lonely again once your gone."

He opened up to me?
It's been a while because whenever he became shy he will leap and leave then came back 2-3 days ago.
That's why my progress with him is so low.
And what do you mean become hia strength isn't he super strong?

"You don't want to became lonely?"

Loafter nods.

"Then come with me.I will make my parents adopt you."

Loafter look happy for a minute then he shake his head.

" one will accept me.I'm a demon "

A demon King at that.

"Do not underestimate the Plauvendure house.".

" I don't want to talk to you.See you next week."
Loafter leap again and leave.

He is doing the runaway bride again.
That jerk.
But to be honeat his not a bad guy.
He is the demon King but he only place superficial injuries to me and my team 5 years ago.
It means he don't really want to kill us.
But wait---why bring me?


"Brother." Owen stare at the big brother that he admirea and love.
The perfect brother who is head over heels inlove with his fiancée........drowning himself with work to ease the missing piece in his heart.

"Why are you here second prince?"
Detrio's cold eyes and stone face make Owen's heart ache.

"....I know that you love Seya but it's our responsibility for the country to choose a wife now that we are in our marriageable age."

"You talk smoothly now..I'm happy with your engagement with Ollie.I hope she won't get missing over the years or she might be replace... due to our RESPONSIBILITY."   Detrio coldly laugh but never look up to Owen.

Owen shed a tear and two until he breaks down infront of the unmoving iceberg.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry brother.
Seya...Seya save my woman.I owe her alot. I said mean things but I don't know how to cheer you up anymore.I keep failing.I keep making wrong words and end up hurting you.Instead of Seya,I should have been missing instead."

"......I never.."

Owen look up.
Detrio stops his hand from signing but never look at him.


"I never wish...that it was you second"

Detrio didn't look at Owen.
But Owen knows that he was being comforted instead of giving comfort.
That his brother might become more distant but he is still his brother.

"Owen...How's Detrio?" Clade asked as he put a cloak over Owen's shoulder..Owen accepted readily.

"Clade.We will support brother.Everyone who wants to replace My sister in law's place should be silenced!" Owen glare at the clouds as he held back his anger.

"I see..Instead of you convincing him.Detrio convince you." Clade laugh wholeheartedly.

Owen smiles.
"I'm a brothercon too,I guess."

"Yep.Yep.Brother love, how nice." Clade laugh again but his sharp eyes is already plotting alot of sinister acts.

"Owen Stellar,Second Prince.
And Sir Clade.How are you today?"

Another cold and handsome ikemen arrive with his lover that acts as his secretary even though he has a higher position than him---Iris Plauvendure.

"B-brother...Second Prince." Wesly is holding paper and bags that his hand is full while Iris hold nothing but a stem of pink rose.

"You're playing Iris dog again?" Clade sigh.

"I don't!" Wesly glare but follow Iris anyways.

"You're okay with that?" Owen ask.

Clade nods.
"He only become interesting around Iris,so it's fine."

Owen thinks 'is that really how he suppose to act? He is adopted to a royalty family ,you know.'
He only sigh seeing how cheerful Clade became.

A/N :

Not enough?
Not satisfying enough?
Bear with me.
Love lots <3

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