Lay with me for a little while

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(Written by SinpaiCasanova and Enterthetadpole)

Mark placed a few kisses on each of Seán's tear-stained cheeks, hefting him up into his arms once the merrow had calmed down a little. Their talk was enough to settle Seán for the time being, but Mark could still see that there was doubt hidden in those beautiful baby blues. All of this was a bit sudden if Mark were being honest with himself. To admit to someone he literally just met a few days ago that he loved them was downright crazy, but it was the truth. He couldn't explain why he felt this way about Seán, or how emotions of that caliber seemed to develop overnight, but it may have had something to do with Seán's warm touch. Each time he placed his hands on Mark's skin or kissed his lips, he felt that blindingly euphoric warmth rushing through him, making his heart race and his pupils dilate. It was almost like it was a chemical response to Seán himself, or maybe it was something deeper than that. There was still so much that he didn't know about merrows, but he was starting to learn more than he thought he would.

Mark carried Seán to the bathroom, placing him in the tub filled with cold, salty water. The bathtub was big enough for Seán to stretch out in, which would help with his muscle cramps once he shifted.

The merrow sighed as the water touched his warm skin, and once he was submerged in it, his legs began to fuse into his spectacular tailfin once again. It always looked a bit painful to Mark, but Seán was so relieved to be in his natural form, and his little noise of contentment was all Mark needed to hear to know that Seán was okay.

It seemed like ages since either one of them had eaten, so the next thought in Mark's racing mind was to get some food. There was no way in hell that it would be safe for them to go out until at least the next night. Novak agents would be everywhere, and though Mark doubted that they would think to check out the houses near the lake, he was taking no chances this time. Perhaps there would be something left over in the kitchen to snack on? After all, they left bedsheets so it wasn't so farfetched to think that they might have left some food here as well.

"Fish? Where are you going?"

Mark sighed at the return of the nickname, and it was only then that he realized how much he missed it.

"Getting us some food is all," he whispered. "Maybe they have cookies here. I know how much you love them."

The merrow smiled at the thought, but shook his head and gestured to the tub he was lying in.

"This tub is bigger than the last one. Lay with me for a little while?"

Mark tried not to look too concerned by the fact that the water in the tub was freezing and full of the last of the saltwater tablets that they had. The gesture from Seán was so sweet and loving, but Mark would prefer to be full of food and snuggling the merrow under the warm blankets of a bed instead of an ice-cold bath. Then again, the desire to keep Seán as relaxed and calm as possible was tugging at the edges of his heart. Why should Seán always have to be in human form to feel like Mark truly loved him?

"I'd love to lay with you for a bit," Mark said, and the smile on Seán's lips was infectious.

Slowly, he stepped into the frigid water and settled himself against Seán's body. Strangely enough, the water was a moderately warm temperature, and the look of surprise on Mark's face made Seán laugh. Apparently, the merrow had the ability to warm the water around him, as well as a few other tricks that Mark already had the pleasure of witnessing. But how many more gifts did Seán have that he didn't yet know about?

Mark wrapped his arms around the merrow's waist, laying his head on Seán's chest. The salt water wasn't actually that bad now that Mark had gotten used to it. Seán's warm touch was enough of a distraction for Mark to try and ignore that he was essentially cuddling a sea creature with cold skin and scales. But there was no getting around it. Mark's legs were pressed up against the slick scales of Seán's tailfin, which felt odd in a way he couldn't express with words. They were soft and smooth, nothing like Mark had first imagined when he saw Seán in the tank.

Mark's hand brushed up against the gills that discreetly ran up the side of Seán's ribs, and the merrow shivered at the strange sensation it brought. No one had ever touched him there before, but it sort of felt nice. 

"Sorry," Mark murmured, pulling his hand away. "I guess I'm still a bit curious. There are so many things I don't know about you, Seán."

The merrow's giggle filled the air and Mark's heart simultaneously as they relaxed in the water. Seán's fingers were tangled up in his lover's black hair, while Mark's hands explored how the muscles of Seán's tailfin flexed.

There was something in just existing together that made Mark finally feel like he was truly breathing for the first time in forever. Seán felt like hope and dreams and crystallized sunshine. He would fight the dangers of this world for him, and Mark would do the same.

"Hey," Seán whispered. "Your heart is beating so fast. Are you alright?"

Mark tilted his head just enough to look up into those stunning blues. The warmth around him intensified, but he couldn't tell if it was Seán or his own imagination making the change. Then, with a flexing of his leg muscles, Mark again met the gentle lips of the most amazing creature in the world, stealing his breath away with a kiss.

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