We have to keep moving

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It was only an hour away from the little house by the lake that Mark knew that they were both way more over their head than he had first suspected. On the run right after murdering the closest thing he had to a best friend was bad enough. Adding at least two charges of grand theft auto and stealing a highly valuable sea creature to the list of charges would have Mark in prison for the rest of his life. Part of him was terrified about this. About being alone in a cell until he died and buried in some vacant grave, but a much bigger part was scared about Sean being recaptured and sold to the highest bidder. To be a virtual slave to be the entertainment of rich men and women who would treat him like a pretty little trinket instead of the heart and mind that he also possessed. 

"Fish," Sean muttered, and Mark was pulled away from his darker thoughts to look over into the dazzling blue eyes. "You should talk about your feelings. I'm here."

Mark couldn't help but laugh. Of course Sean was so interconnected with him now that he couldn't just allow his mind to race like it used to. The merrow was a beacon for his heart. When it happened, Mark still was not sure. Perhaps all the love making, or the heated touches. If only Mark could find out more about how merrows could do what they did.

"I'm okay," Mark replied, his gaze flickering from Sean's face and then back to the long stretch of road ahead. "Just worried about how much longer we can drive before we run out of gas. There's only a little bit of cash left in my wallet, and it's way too dangerous to go to an ATM."

Sean hummed in agreement, though the ATM part of the sentence had him looking slightly confused. Something else for them to talk about later. For a while after this they drove in silence, with Mark taking side roads whenever he could. Occasionally Sean would sleep, with his head leaned against the cool window pane as the soft snores would fill the car. Mark would steal little glances over at him, and imagine their time together in little house. The way that Sean's face looked when they made love. The moment that Mark realized that he would do anything and everything to protect him, no matter what the cost. 

The gas light turned on, and with a small chime Mark knew that they would need to pull over soon. The sky was slowly darkening as the stars began to twinkle up above. The next curves of the small road was leading to a much larger city. This is where they would need to make their switch to another car. It was just a matter of where to go. 

"Where are we?" Sean yawned, the heels of his hands wiping off the sleep from his eyes. 

"Not sure," Mark answered, taking note that the last actual road sign that they had past was at least fifteen minutes ago. "Somewhere east...heading towards the first bit of ocean that we can get to. Need to get aboard a ship to get you back to Ireland, or as close as we can."

"I can swim as long as I'm in saltwater," Sean offered.

Mark shook his head at this, and the merrow sighed. 

"Too dangerous for you to swim that far for that long, Sean. Plus Novak will have agents all over the beaches with devices meant just to hunt for merrow. I've seen them before. Never knew what they were actually used for, but people talk. Especially when they think no one around them is important enough to keep their voices down. Like the overnight janitor."

The last line was said with a small smirk, and Sean returned it, along with a return of his small hand to Mark's right thigh. They were in this together, and both of them knew it. 

Soon Mark reached a small set of houses on a long stretch of dirt road. The windows were dark and peaceful. In his heart thought that this would be just the type of place where he would love to settle down with Sean. Maybe get a dog. If only the world was not chasing them down. After they stopped the car, Mark silently motioned for Sean to get the supplies out of the trunk while he ventured over to a couple of cars sitting in a nearby driveway. In small towns like this people were sweet and trusting, and hopefully one of the cars would be unlocked. 

There was no luck with a larger black Lincoln in the first driveway, but next door a smaller car, dark green and unassuming, was unlocked. More than likely a relative there for a visit with the out of state plates, and once again, lady luck was on their side. The car key was underneath the passenger floor mat. 

"Sean," Mark whispered as he headed back towards where the merrow was. "Grab what you can and get in car parked on the street. Be as quiet as you can. We have to keep moving."

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