Chapter 6

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Marcus P.O.V

I walked to the nearest shop to buy a bottle of water. The shop keeper stood up in respect
"Alpha" he said.

I nodded my head and asked for water. I gulped down some and washed my face with rest. Images of Jordan with another man flashed in my mind.  I gripped the bottle tighter. My wolf wanted to come out and tear Lucas apart. I knew my eyes had turned golden by now. The shopkeeper gasped as like everyone else he too knew I am demon when I am angry.

I placed the money and walked back to the cottage door. The smell of sex still lingered there. I was irritated and knocked the door hard.
"Are you done yet ?"
Immediately I heard things shuffling around. After another 15 minutes, the two walk out.
Whatever Lucas wore made him look stupid.
My eyes landed on Jordan. She wore shorts and a crop top. Man she looked hot. But she couldn't roam around like this, I didn't like the fact that she showed so much of her skin.

My eyes then landed on their linked hands. It pained me. I would do anything to hold her hand.
I mounted my bike as they climbed the car. I gestured them to follow me.

For most of the mates, it was easy. They meet, they kiss and mate immediately after that and it's a happily ever after. But my case had to be different. My mate was human and of course married.
I had to win her trust and later her love. Killing Lucas would not lead me to her.

Through my rear view mirror I saw Lucas sending me a sinister smile. I shrugged it off and rode further.

As soon as we reached the compound I mind linked my pack members not to use any wolf terms as we had humans with us.

"Welcome to my estate" I gestured showing them a large compound area.
My estate included many small villas and right in the centre was a huge villa which was mine.
I smirked as I saw Jordan mouth a 'Wow'. Even without make up she was gorgeous.
I told them to follow me as I walked towards my house.

I rang the bell and Jessica opened the door for us.
"Jess. What are doing here ? I thought you were supposed to visit your friend." Jordan charged at Jessica.

"Ahh! Jordan, I think you already met my brother."

"Your brother? Marcus is your brother?"
She looks so cute when she is shocked.  I nodded to confirm the information which she just received.

"But you never mentioned about your family before."
She said sadly.

"Did you ?" Jessica asked her back.

Jordan looked uncomfortable when asked about her family.  I didn't like the sad expression she bore. Fortunately my mom came in rescue.

"We have guests." She said clapping her hands. Q
I rolled my eyes to her over dramatic statement.

"What's your name young lady? " my mother asked Jordan.

" Jordan Brown"  she replied timidly.

"Hello Jordan, I am Sophie Miller. Jessica and Marcus' mother."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Miller."

"Please call me Sophie dear."  My mother turned towards the mutt and cringed her nose.

"And you must be Lucas, the husband." She said distastefully. Annoyance was clear in her voice .

"Yes Ma'am"

"Ma'am sounds good. Come on ladies follow me." She grabbed Jessica's and Jordan's hand and walked towards the dinning area.
My Mother's favourite pass time was to feed others.
I realised I was alone with Lucas, who was grinning stupidly.
"What is it mutt?"  Forgetting all the mannerism I asked him.

"She is your mate isn't she ?"
I clenched my teeth as I knew what the mutt would say next, I wouldn't like it.

"Too bad she is mine."

"Too bad she is my mate!"

"Jordan has no idea about wolves and she is not the kind who will leave one man for another."

"I guess she doesn't know that you are a wolf either."

"Yes. She is not the type who takes all theses things seriously. Just give up already. You can't have her."

" Maybe I could just get rid of you then"

"And you think she will be yours after that ? She will hate you."

"Or maybe I will tell her about your past." He immediately stiffened.

"No one will be at gain then? You think she would walk to you after that ?"

"No. But she would know about your ..."

I couldn't complete as I heard footsteps.
"Babe you need to check out their garden." I saw Jordan rush to Lucas' side. Jessica followed her. I clenched my hands when I saw Jordan hugging Lucas. Jessica judging my uneasiness turned towards Lucas.
"Hey Luke, I would want to show you something."
She grabbed his arm and walked out. Leaving Jordan and me alone.
She looked hesitant as I walked towards her. She chewed her lower lip and I grunted.

"So Jordan, why did you plan this trip?" I tried to be friendly. Friendship is the first step to love isn't it ?

"It's our wedding anniversary today. Like every year we go on trips."

I wanted to break something when I heard that answer but I needed to be calm so that she could like me.

"Congratulations!" I faked smiled and noticed she smiled sheepishly.
"Come I will show you around." I said offering her my hand.

I knew if she touched it she would feel it, the connection, our bond.

As expected she took my hand. As soon as she touched it sparks ran through my body. I felt her gasp, I knew she felt it too. I smiled, it was a small victory.
We talked a lot while I showed her around the estate. I gained more knowledge about her interests and liking.

We stood side by side in front of the fountain which is placed right in the middle of the estate garden.
I turned to look at my beautiful mate. She seemed to be mesmerised.

"Jordan" I called out to her.
Her hazel eyes looked into mine.

"You are beautiful" I blurted it out without thinking.
She looked shocked at first but then smiled sheepishly and said a very inaudible thank you.

We started walking towards the house, when I heard a scream. A scream of a man, and I was sure it was the mutt. Maybe Jessica did what was planned.

I held a smirk while Jordan looked tensed and ran towards the house.

We reached the house to notice that Lucas laid on the couch with one leg plastered.

"What happened to you ?"
Jordan screamed and ran to Lucas' side.

"Honey I am fine. I just fell over." The mutt replied.

" A fall couldn't lead to a broken limb Luke"

" I fell from the balcony."

"How ? How can you just fall from the Balcony?"

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