Chapter 18

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Jordan's P.O.V
I felt so bad after asking him about Stacey. I guess I was too harsh on him.
I thought of taking a shower and going back to Mark. After a shower I walked down the stairs and I was shocked to see the scenario in front of me.
I found the Vanessa girl sitting on Mark's lap and actually kissing him.
I had so many thoughts running in my mind and couldn't help the gasp escaping my mouth and Mark pushed her.
It was too much for me to take in so I ran away towards my room.

I locked the room and sat down near the door. I couldn't believe it. He was so amazing with me and we had our moments of intimacy and now there was another girl? Yes he is so handsome and charming, it was too amazing to be true that he could really like someone like me. But he sounded so serious about the mate thing.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard knocking.
"Jordan please open. It's not what you think."
I heard Mark from the other side.
I didn't want to reply. "Please Jordan. Let me explain."
I didn't budge.
"At least talk to me." And he keep banging.
"I will break the door. Nothing can keep you away from me."
I scoffed and walked away from the door towards the balcony. I wanted to go home. And then I realised, I don't have a home anymore. I felt orphan again. After meeting Luke I didn't feel lonely anymore. Then I met Jes , she was the sister I never had. And in 4 days I lost all. I thought maybe I had chances with Mark but...

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the door ripped apart and Mark standing at the doorway.
He rushed to me immediately and hugged me.
It seemed like was inhaling my scent to calm down.
I pushed him away.

"Jordan please. Trust me it is nothing like that."
I chose to ignore.
"Talk to me please." He begged. He looked miserable and I melted.
"Okay. Explain." I said curtly.
"Do you think I will screw up my chances with my mate after waiting 12 years for you?"
"Seems like you just did."
"No I did not. She forced me on myself. I swear.i planned to tell you everything today but things messed up. You were not supposed to find out like this."
"What ? I don't understand."
"A pack needs a sane Alpha for it to run. And an Alpha is sane when he has a Luna. I became the Alpha at 18. First I had no problem. But when I reached 22 I knew I needed to find you. I needed my mate. Different packs declared wars but I was strong. I had my pack who loved me."
He sat sat down besides me and continued.
"My mom knew the feeling when she lost her mate so she asked me to choose a mate. Vanessa being my best friend, I chose her. And next month when I would turn 30, I would mate her."
I was registering all the information.
"What about her mate?"
"She rejected Karl. Soon after she was promised the Luna. She became arrogant and greedy. And Karl went rogue."
"Oh my god. That is so mean."
"Now she cannot digest the fact that I found you, so she is trying her best to send you away Jordy. Please trust me I didn't kiss her."
I moved closer to kiss his temple.
"You smell of her though."
"Then let's take care of it shall we."
And soon we were intimately kissing each other.
I felt him kiss my jaw line and then my neck. Which aroused me to 10 folds. I moaned and he growled I tensed immediately when I felt teeth tearing the tender skin of my neck and piercing deep inside. The pain was soon replaced by pleasure and I felt complete. But soon I found myself pushed away.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"What? I don't understand ." I was confused.
"I marked you at the heat of the moment."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Thé mate pull will be stronger and the bond becomes difficult to ignore till we complete the process."
"Oh okay. What is the process?"
"It would include you marking me and we having sex."
I blushed deeply.
"It's okay you can take your time with this. I will wait ." He continued. I nodded and he started walking away.
"Can you repair this door?" I looked at the wooden door broken into pieces.
"Babe you will be moving in my room."
"I am still mad at you." And he stopped at his tracks. He slowly turned towards me.
"Girls never trained till date Jordy."
"Then they will start now. This will help us protect ourselves when we do not have a strong wolf protecting us."
"No. I said no." He screamed and for the first time I was terrified. He walked towards me quickly.
And I raised my hand to cover myself from the impact. When the impact did not come I slowly looked towards him. He looked hurt and broken.
"You thought I would hit you?"
I gulped.
"Men generally do that when they are angry." I said quietly.
"I am so sorry baby." He hugged me.
"What for ?"
"I wasn't there when Luke assaulted you."
"And What about when you did ?"
He stiffened.
"I want to learn to protect myself Mark."
He pushed me and walked away.
Before leaving he said one thing .
"I will get the door fixed."
And today would be a long night.

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