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I can still remember her voice. That voice that used to tell us stories at night. That voice that sang us lullabies to sleep. The one that made me dream of performing on a stage, to make her proud.

That same voice that screamed in a way at me, I never knew she would.

That same voice that left me behind.

My name is Lee Yon and I'm 20 years old and fresh out of college. After studying abroad for two years, I decided to take a gap year.

Needless to say my college life had been exhausting. So much had happened there. So much to forget.

All my life, I've been trying to forget so many things to no avail. They say that humans can forget easily. What a joke.

Now there was just another thing to add to my growing list of things to forget. When I was six years old, my mother left my father.

To this day I still don't know why. There are times when I miss her so much I feel like the world is shattering.

There are days when I hate her with so much hatred for abandoning our family. For leaving us and giving up on us.

She left our family; and with her she took so much: my twin brother, the warmth and happiness we once had, and most of my father as well.

My father is a successful lawyer here in Korea, and works at one of the best law firms here.

Although when he's at his job, he's such a serious and cold person ; but when he comes home, he immediately discards that part of him, to reveal the lovable dad and charming husband.

That man is gone and what's left is a husk of his former self. Although he hides it with a smile, I can see him struggling to keep that same smile on his face.

My twin brother, Lee Haneul, shared the same dream with me: to one day become singers that our mother would be proud of.

I haven't seen him nor that woman since we separated when I was six. Now that I'm back in Korea, I wonder how he's doing, how he looks and whether he's still following that dream I used to chase.

Hi everybody. It's me Renee here. Firstly this is my very first wattpad story and FANFIC so please I'm extremely sorry if I made any mistakes. I hope you can forgive me and that you enjoyed this background on our heroine, Yon.😄😄

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