Chapter 1

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Two years may seem like a short time, but alot can change in those two years. Staring out of the car window, I look at the unfamiliar sites around me, as though I'm in a foreign country.

" What's it like to be back Miss Yon," our driver Mr. Kim asks, waking me out of my stupor.

"Everything seems so new here, I'm surprised I can recognize anything at all," I laugh half jokingly.

" Ah yes, I heard you did amazingly in college. Your father is extremely proud. He was extremely excited that you were coming home today, he was rushing around telling the cook to make your favorite dishes."

" That's my dad, there are times when I question how he's actually a lawyer with that dorky personality."

" So what are you planning to do during your gap year here, before you go back to England."

"I'm thinking about it," I reply curtly.

The truth is I already know what I'm gonna do while I'm here. Although most of my friends are going to be travelling during their gap year, I have different plans.

Since there's a high possibility that I might either choose to go for medical school or law school, I wanted to get some work experience first.

There was one particular job that I wanted, but first I had to confirm whether I could get it.

"Miss Yon, we have arrived home," Mr Kim says, snapping me back to reality. Many things may have changed but the home where I grew up still remains the same.

The same old garden with my favorite white roses growing; the same house with my father at the doorstep, smiling widely at me.

Rushing up to him, I embrace him, catching a whiff of tteokboki from his well pressed clothes.

I gape at him in mock horror and say " You haven't been cooking again have you?"

His smile immediately turns into a pout as he mumbles " I was only helping with the dishes."

Laughing we walk back into our quiet household and into his study. Sitting at his desk, I can almost imagine the chills he gives to his juniors at the firm.

" So since you're here, we might as well as discuss, what you want to do while you're in Korea."

Sighing I tell him " Dad, I was wondering if I could get a job at the law firm you're working at. I'm not asking you to pull any favors, I just want the work experience seeing the fact that I may pursue law as a career later on."

Raising an eyebrow he speaks in a gentle yet serious tone, " Yon, I understand your ambition but if you work at the firm, one or another people will find out that you are my daughter. People will talk behind your back; you know that I'm close friends with the CEO. People will say that Lee Chin Hwa's daughter is only here because of her father."

As much as I would love to say that I don't care, I do. And I understand my father's concern for me, I have enough insecurities for a lifetime.

"Ah, if you want it thought I can help you get a job at my colleague's company. I'm sure he can find one for you. Here's the business card."

I only have a moment to look at the card and see the words "Big Hit" before my father steers me out of the room and says, " Let's go and have lunch shall we, I'm starving and the smell of that kimchi stew is not helping. "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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