Chapter 13

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I know I know why is that bitch Lily at the beggining of the chapter?
You either Hate or Like her.
It's a very talked about matter and people in general can't seem to make their minds up about her. But I feel that despite her villainous and cruel nature she demonstrates in episode 2, her face pretty much says it all above. The part of her that never died. Her humanity. Her love that she felt for her father (Larry was kind of a prick but he was probably defensive and rude due to his Wife passing, which is why I believe he acted so monstrous towards Lee. He didn't want to lose his daughter either. You can see she is just broken, afraid and lonely. She lost everything and was entangled into the Delta's Community. She is quite a misunderstood character.
I hope in Episode 3 or 4 she can be redeemed. 😊❤

Clementine's P.O.V

Chester drops me off at the Cell's.
Thank god Aasim looks unharmed. Hopefully the same can be said for Omar. Tonight was the night we all discussed our escape.

I have a VERY good feeling about all of this.

I believe that with the right amount of time and preparation, we will be back at Ericssons. I dreamed about my goofball last night. I arrive at the gates of Ericssons, I see only Aj in my sights. His beaming face looking up at me, running in my direction, except.

I was the only one that made it back.
Jesus Christ.

Then it all went Black.

Chester seemed alright, he didn't exasperate or shove or kick me like Thomas or Rory. He was just doing his job. Chester had a southern accent, he sounded like a bread roll.
A bread roll? I shake my head in annoyance when I started to alike people's accents with food.

Probably because I just eat at Bates house, I was usually thrown food, I can't even remember the last time I had a cooked sit down meal.
Oh right...Ericssons.
It was weird sitting at his table.
Chester was there too eating, It was extremely surreal.

"Rory"? "You here"? Chester calls out.

"Yeah i'm here". He declares.


Rory grabs onto the collar of Louis's coat, gripping it forcefully.

I see Chester leave, shutting the double doors behind him. Rory walks with me to the Cell.

"You better not cause any trouble like your other pussy pal girl".

"Her name is Violet". I say giving him a dirty look.

"You mean that short little lesbian"?

"Asshole". I look down at the ground in fury.

I feel the sting of his riffles blow on my back, banging down hard on my spine, I wince.

We arrive at the door under the stairs leading down to the basement, he signals me to go down infront of him.

"No funny business". " I wouldn't want to blow that pretty face off".

I sight, complying, I walk down the stairs towards the door, I hear muffled loud voices on the other side, feeling confused, Rory opens the door with his keys kicking me in, I notice the squabbling immediately as I set foot inside.
Rory locking the door behind me.
I look at everyone in awe. Some looking back at me and others completely caught up in the feverish ambiance of disagreement. Violet and Tanya were practically at each others throats, Minnie was holding onto Violet's hand, trying to talk her away from her inner rage, I look passed the chaotic circumstances, I see Louis talking to Robbie, I think he was distracting him from it all.
As I observe from across the room, I notice Louis looking at me, his face seemed like he had been holding in his breath all day until he saw me. A intensively delighted smile begins to form on his mouth, hearing him exhale all the way over by the door, he rushes rapidly towards me. Seeing him so happy, so upbeat.

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