Chapter 4 - Help?

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"I won't ask again, what the hell do you want? I have places to be." Percy scowled as he tapped his feet impaintently on the floor. His skateboard hung over his shoulders.

Zeus was the first one to recover from his shock and glared at the drooling female demigods. "Nephew, it's good to see you again."

Percy shows him a quick smile, then returns to his emotionless face. He nods, signalling them to continue talking.

"As you might already know, we are facing another war. This time, it is with Gaia's husband, Ouranus. We need your help in this. I swear, the couple really do love causing trouble. Like you, Peter Johnson." Dionysus spits, his anger barely in control.

"Don't talk about them like that." Percy commands, his voice dangerously low. "It seems you haven't changed from your arrogant little self, have you? Still trying to poison the demigods' wines? Good thing not all of them drink it, right?" Percy says as a smirk grew on his Eros enhanced face.

"Why you little brat, how do you know about that?" The wine god scowls, furious his secret has been spilled.

"You did, what?" Zeus thundered, his anger building up.

"Those are our children! How dare you do that to them!" Athena roared, her anger also building up, faster than her father.

Dionysus immediately pales. "Why, I did no such thing! This sea scum is feeding you lies, sister, father." He immediately starts to panic.

"That bastard is not my father." Percy boomed, his voice echoing and reaching his ex-father, who immediately looked offended.

"How could you say that Percy? That's your father." Nathan asks, his shock quickly replaced by anger. Percy flinched.

"That is Lord Atromitos to you, scum." Percy commands, the use of his old name brings up memories that were not supposed to be surfaced. "And it seems that that bastard never really told you what happened."

He turns back to the council, who he is sure have millions of questions to ask him, but none of which he will answer soon. He grips onto his skateboard, which is still on his shoulders.

"Then how come you had just asked him how he knew about your doing?" Zeus continues to argue, the rage inside him almost visible as a red aura flares to life.

If possible, Dionysus plaed even more, to the point where his face resembled snow.

"Enough!" Hestia rumbles, the hearth flaring up representing her emotions. "I have had enough of your bickering for too long! We have the greatest demigod to ever live in front of us, it is such a pity for him to see his superiors bicker like little children."

"Although I appreciate what you said Lady Hestia, your information is outdated. Who ever said that you were my superiors?" Astro says in such a serious tone everyone in the room had momentarily stopped breathing. (I will be using Astro from now on because: 1. Percy hates his old name. 2. I need to make his new name shorter. 3. Astro rolls better than Atro does, in my opinion.)

"Now back to the situation at hand, who ever said that I would help you?" Astro asks, his right eyebrow lifting slightly.

Everyone in the room gasped, how dare he think he was higher than the Council?

"Percy, why wouldn't you help them? They are your family. We are your family?" A familliar voice ringed, another use of his old name made his boiling rage harder to control. He looked behind him and cringed at the sight before him.

He saw Annabeth and the rest of the Seven kneeling down towards the Council. It had just been at this moment that Astro realised how ugly Annabeth was compared to Bianca.

Her hair was still curly, but more of a dirtier blond than before, unlike Bianca who's hair was straight and well taken care of.

Her jawline was chubby and fat, unlike Bianca who's jawline was perfectly sharp and shaped.

Annabeth's lips were cracked and crusty, unlike Biana who's lips were red, smooth and absolutely stunning.

Astro could sit here all day and tell us how amazing Bianca is; but you wouldn't enjoy that. Would you?

"You, my family?" He spat out the word like it was venom, full of hatred. "You and family should not even be in the same sentence. Where were you when I had to survive on my own in Tartarus? (This was part of his training, but he wants to make it seem that it was horrible when actually it was great. To make them feel guilty.) Where were you when I had no one? Where were you when I was constantly tortured and bathed in the River Styx and Chaos? (Again, another part of his training to maintain his powers and work up his pain tolerance.) Where were you when I was constantly beaten down by numerous monsters but was only spared so they could do it again? I ask, where were you?"

This left the whole room speechless, all their mouths gaping open.

"Exactly, now you have no right to call yourselves my family. My family are waiting for me down in the Pit, where you barely survived."

He sets down his skateboard and starts skating while taking out a blue lolipop and plucking it into his mouth.

"Now, if you're actually serious about asking for my help, do it professionally." Astro said as he was about to go into the portal he created from his shadow powers he got from Erebus.

"W-Wait!" Artemis cried as she leapt from her throne and into Astro's surprised open arms. "I m-missed you..." She whispered into his neck.

"I missed you too, AM (aether message) me when they're ready or if you just want to talk." He said as he pulled away from her longing embrace and into the portal which closed behind him.

"W-Wait, why does he have a skateboard? And what does he mean by 'I have places to be'? He makes it seem like he's enjoying it, while he's supposed to be suffering!" Poseidon screamed and he smashed his trident on the floor, creating a mini crater around his throne.

An evil laugh could be heard in the distance, as if chuckling about Poseidon's annoyance. (I'll let you guess who laughed.)

Percy Jackson - Back from Tartarus | {нιαтυѕ}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя