Chapter 40~ Night King

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Arya's POV:

The fight had been surprising for everyone. The white walkers left, and nobody understood why. Either they let themselves be killed or they just left, ran away like rats. 

Arya was lucky, she truly was... But still, why would they just leave like that? It made no logical sense to her whatsoever. However, no matter the situation, she was still stuck on Jon's safety. 

Was he dead? Was he going to be resurrected? No one actually knew, and the red woman seemed to believe in her powers so much she even thought she had the right to sit by him and hold his hand. Maybe it was for other reasons than affection, but that still didn't concern Arya. 

"Get your paws off him." Arya said, walking inside, covered in the blood of others. Yes... some had died which was a shame. But there could've been more lifes taken. 

Melisandre turned to look at Arya and shook her head. "I am only trying to help."

"Well, if you want to help and pray you better go outside. I'm sure there are more people awaiting to be resurrected." Arya said dryly, knowing that what she had said hurt her too. She would want to believe that Jon was going to wake up.. She really did. 

But then, right before Melisandre could even get a chance to say anything back -not that it would matter- a breath of panic was taken. 

Bran's POV;

Bran had an opportunity that he should've considered, but he had not. And now, maybe, it was too late. He could've saved them from it, but then again...

They would want her anyway, they'd probably take care of Bran in their own way and take her. 

He knew Helena too well, he knew her passion and further more he even knew who she was before anyone else had known. She and Jon are meant to rule, they are meant to fight for the greater good. 

Except Helena's destiny does not stand for the humans. 

"They are waiting for her," they said, their small faces looking at Bran. "It would've been war otherwise." 

"But I don't understand why.." Bran said in confusion. "Why her?" 

"Well, he does not fancy her brother for the simple purpose of his gender. Besides, Helena is not only of special blood, but she is also very beautiful." Yes, indeed. Bran always knew, back in Winterfell, that all sort of men had their eyes on her. 

But then again, he did not expect her to have this fate. 

"Helena is a valyrian noble princess, rightful Queen and a has Stark blood running through her veins." Leaf said, one of the ancient creatures mankind did not believe in. She was one of the few, she had lived here longer than Bran could have ever imagined. 

She was, unlike him, a real warrior with the passion to destroy what was evil. But she could not.

"What does that even mean?" Bran asked, knowing Helena better than anyone in his surroundings. The tree he was inside was believed to be magical, this is where the Three-eyed raven lived. 

"It means that's what he wants."

"The Night King?" Bran questioned, knowing that the Night King was unlikely to want any human contact with anyone. He's not even human... He used to be, but not any longer. 

Leaf shook her head, almost smiling as if Bran was a silly, cute boy. However, even Brandon knew he had a big role in this play. 

"Years ago, when the children created the Night King, there was someone else that we could not control." Leaf said, knowing that thus creating the Night King they could not control him either. They made him, what he was and what he was capable of, but they could not control him either. 

"A man, more powerful than us, someone that wanted us eradicated. He was our true enemy, not the First Men." Bran looked confused, hearing only what Leaf said. He. 

Meaning there was only one being that all of the children feared. 

"Yes..." Leaf said, looking sadly at him. "We feared one man alone. In fact, calling him a man wouldn't be right. A being... He is not human, not quite. He looks like a human, but..."

"But?" Bran questioned, losing a bit of his patience. 

"This man is not the only one of his kind. Helena is human, she is a Queen, she has some fair magical blood and she has dragons. She is a human with capabilities other humans would not have and has more to discover. She is of ice and fire, whereas-"

"He is the King of his kind." Greenseer said, clearly wanting to get to the point. "Helena is the Queen with abilities yet to be discovered." 

Helena's POV;

Helena walked along the field where the battle between the dead and the living with Claw right by her side, her brave direwolf. She was in shock though, she was still thinking that these people whom were now dead were killed by death itself. 

All the dead bodies before them and yet, Helena could not progress what she had seen. Some things, she could take in and progress, whilst other things, such as this... was a bit harder. 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, between every dead human, Helena fell down to the cold snowy ground . Her knees literally hit the snow so hard she suspected her own knees might be bleeding soon enough. 

Once again, she looked around in disbelief and shook her head, clutching her fists as anger washed over her. 

But then she remembered something that Lady Stark had done quite allot, something she tried to teach all of her children in the time of need. 

So Helena did what she had been taught, she closed her eyes and held her hands against each other close to her heart, and started to pray as Claw stayed quietly by her side.

For the longest time, she hadn't prayed and it was all she knew at this very moment. Praying. She prayed for the souls that had been lost today, prayed for mercy, prayed for safety and strength for everyone else. 

"My Queen..." Helena opened her eyes solemnly and got up on her feet, looking at the men before her, standing there knowing that something bigger than Cersei was marching their way. Helena saw the doubt in their eyes. 

Ser Devrys, ser Barristan, Eddison Tollet, Tormund Giantsbane and ser Davos stood before her, knowing that whatever it was they'd fought, they could not do it alone. 

"I am sorry for everyone's loss," she said, the dry tears on her cheeks seen. "But they have not died in vain-"

"You killed one of them." Eddison said, Jon's friend. "You killed one of the dead, just like Jon." Yes, she had... She had actually tried to kill the man that had spoken to her, but she should've known better. 

"We all thought you were going to die when you started fighting all of them up there. After all, the Night King was there." Helena nodded. 

"Valar Morghulis." Helena said, looking down at the snow. 

Devrys nodded. "All men must die." Helena turned around and looked at the way the white walkers had come from. 

"However, gentlemen," she said,  putting her hand on Ice. "I am not a man, and for that very reason none of us will die." 

"What about the white walkers-"

"I am Helena Snow of House Targaryen and House Stark." Her fire-alike eyes met the other men's eyes. Her eyes burned with passion, burned with every word she spit. 

"You may walk away if you wish, I won't make you stay against your will. But remember that no matter where you go the white walkers will come... They will, as of today, appear before the entire world." Helena started walking towards the gates, Claw following her close by.

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives." All the men behind her had kneeled, as if to show their respect. As if to say, they weren't going to leave her side. 

"Winter's coming, and now we all know why." 

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