Chapter 67~ Rhaegar

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Devrys' POV

He knew that she deserved someone better, he wasn't going to be stubborn about that fact. However, he wasn't going to give up either. Until she said that she wanted him to stop, he would.

Now that he looked at her, with a sword in her hand instead of a book or a flower, he understood that he loved her no matter who she decided to be.

However, all the attention he had for her went somewhere else as a horse stopped just in front of his very eyes with someone he didn't really expect to see.

Devrys remembered him very clearly. That so called hand only belonged to person alone.

Jamie Lannister got down from his horse, his face looking tired and his hair completely ruffled. He looked miserable really.

But that didn't bother Devrys as he took up his dagger and as quick as ever he put the dagger to his neck.

"Three seconds before I slash up your throat."

"I want to help!" At first, Devrys was a bit confused. But then he remembered that Daenerys, Jon and the others visited Kings Landing to ask for Cersei's help.
They'd proven that the dead were on their way.

That was, however, quite some time ago. They had time to prepare, to divide into teams and forge weapons.

Yet, here he was. However, Devrys let him go, not because he wanted to... but because she was coming their way.

Devrys stood straight as Helena approached them, sword in her hand, hair braided. He tried not to look at her, cause every time he did he couldn't let his eyes slip anywhere else.

"Jamie Lannister." Helena said in shock.

And then he surprised everyone by getting down on one knee.

"Queen Helena." What the hell? "Please, let me help you defeat the dead."

Helena was smart, which is why her look was as blank as ever. She never showed her emotions whether she was thinking or not.

"What of your sister?" Helena questioned.

"She's... she's not thinking straight."

"She has seen the dead," Helena said roughly. "Do I need to help her think?"

"My Queen-"

"Get up," Helena said, very softly. "You don't have to kneel before me. You've known me as a bastardized all along."

Jamie got up, but he had a cold look in his eyes. Somehow, a brave look, a look that said he wasn't regretting he was here. Devrys wondered  how this man actually made it here, without his sister cutting his head off. 

"I don't trust your sister," Helena continued. "I could be standing here with her, facing death, and I still wouldn't put any faith or trust into that woman."

"Cersei isn't thinking-"

"I don't care." Helena interrupted, her look was yet ice cold. "I wonder what brought you here."

Jamie looked nervous, almost frightened now. As if he was thinking about something that frightened him and Devrys knew exactly what. 

"When I laid eyes on those creatures..." Jamie whispered. "I knew that we were going to die if we didn't fight back."

Quite frankly, Devrys knew what he meant. He knew the feeling of that fear burried deep inside. 

"I want to fight and if I'm going to die I'll  die knowing that I tried." Suddenly, as Helena looked into the eyes of the King's slayer Devrys saw Jamie's look changing. 

As if he was enchanted by her. 

Cersei's POV;

"Everything is a mess here," Cersei persisted. "We need more soldiers, we need more ships and we need..." To survive. They had to survive. Cersei was stubborn, she was positive that they were going to win this war. 

She wasn't going to lie either. Those things scared her, facing death scared her! She had only feared one man and that was her father, but this was completely different. However, she had a feeling that they were going to get this war over with. 

If not, she was going to fight them with whatever she could. 

"My Queen." Euron Greyjoy walked in to the room, looking like a dirty farmer. "The golden company has agreed..."Euron kept on talking and all Cersei could think...


She was going to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, it was her right. The throne was hers and she was going to rule like no one has before or after her time. Cersei had power, but she wanted more...

Suddenly, Euron came up to her and started to kiss her. 

"Love, what are you doing?" 

"I'm not allowed to touch my wife?" Euron spat. "I've done everything you've asked me to do, there is only one thing I want!" he said with pure anger. Truth to be told, she could have sex with King Robert, because she loved him once. He was suppose to be her husband, her beloved. However, Jamie was her true love. 

Now he was gone and she was going to destroy him and the Snow twins. 

Jon's POV; 

Jon had never experienced any love stronger than the love he carries for his sister. He loved Helena more than anything, she was his other half. Literally. Sure, they had their differences... She had violet eyes, he did not. Helena carried this beauty that could enchant any man, he couldn't uite enchant a woman with his looks just yet. 

She was brilliant.

"I believe she's fit for a Queen." Ser Jorah said, both of them standing on the edge of the bridge, looking out on the armies that were preparing, training, for the big war. Among these armies stood Helena, her bright eyes could not be missed, her shiny sword which was swung by their father. 

"She fight's not because it's her people, but because she's among them. She is one of them, she's kind and-"

"Helena has always had a big heart," Jon said, looking at his sister. "She's the only person in this world that is fit to rule, fit for the problems this world has to give. If I am to guess, she probably got this from-"

"From your father." Ser Jorah said, smiling kindly at Jon. "You'd be suprised how much you take after your mother." Jon had a hard time believing that. He'd never heard anything of his mother, not ever... Ser Jorah telling him out of all people didn't worry him, it just surprised him that he knew. 

"Your sister has a striking resemblance to your mother. But you... You have the same actions as your mother. You're calm yet very wild, vulnerable yet so strong. A true fighter, a true warrior and a true northener. You both are.. However, Helena is more like her father. She shines like the beauty of her mother, but above all she shines because the people love her for who she is, as they loved your father Rhaegar." 

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