6. | So Was I

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Harry seemed tired as he was answering his interviewer's questions. The sparkle that was usually in his eyes was a bit dimmer today. It didn't feel like he was enjoying himself, which was weird, since this is everything that he loves and more. 

As I sat recording the things he was saying, Madison came up behind me. She had changed a lot since Harry had a talk with her, which I am grateful for. She probably didn't want to lose her job. "We need you on the bus in five," she whispered politely, and I nodded. We were heading to New York after this interview, and she wanted to make sure I was on the bus with all of my various belongings. I stood up and left the area, walking out of the building and towards the bus. 

"Chloe Green?" someone called from down the street. I turned to look. There was a woman standing there with a camera. "Ellie Trelling, I'm with US weekly. I wanted to know if you would answer a few questions for me, about your new boyfriend, Harry Styles" she began, and my mind began to race worriedly. 

"No, you have it wrong. I don't have a boyfriend by any means, and I most certainly am not dating Harry Styles," I said, looking her dead in the eyes so she would believe me. She seemed like an honest reporter. "Then would you care to comment on why you're being seen everywhere in public together?" she asked, staring at me. "From grocery stores, to recording studios, to his tour bus," she said gesturing beside me, which was where the bus was. 

I shook my head. "You have it wrong. I'm a reporter with Illusion Magazine, I'm doing an in-depth report on Harry for his fans. The story is going to cover his daily life and routine, so his fans can get a glimpse into the life he proceeds to live every day." I said, narrowing my eyes at her. She breathed deeply and turned off her recorder. "What, no more questions?" I asked sarcastically, and she shook her head. 

"You're a fellow journalist just trying to do your job. I have to respect that." she stated, and I instantly calmed down. "Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Now, if you don't mind, I have some writing to do," I said, hopping onto the bus. I felt uneasy about what just happened. Some reporters don't have the decency to tell the truth. She could easily twist my words for her article. I'm just hoping she doesn't. 

"Who was that?" Andrew asked me, coming from the back of the bus. "A reporter trying to dig up dirt on Harry. She tried to get me to admit that we were dating, but I explained I was doing a job, not getting personal with him," I sated, and Andrew calmed down. "Good, thanks for handling that. If she approached Harry, I'm sure he would have lead her on. He likes to play games with the media sometimes and it usually backfires." Andrew said, walking toward the small kitchen. 

I laughed. That sounds like Harry. 

Speaking of whom, Harry then walked onto the bus, hands shoved in his pockets. He walked right past me and toward his bunk. He got inside, pulled the curtain closed, and didn't come out. Either he's upset about the interview he just had, or the events of last night are still hurting him, which, in a way, hurt me too. 

Once we got to New York, I grabbed a taxi to my apartment, seeing as how it was fairly close to the hotel everyone else was at. I walked in the door and saw Hayley sitting at the kitchen island eating sushi, her favourite. 

"Chloe!!" she yelled, running to hug me. I hadn't seen her in about two weeks, since I started the project. It felt so nice to see her again. I pulled out of the hug and looked at the sushi. "Care to share? I'm starving," I said, and she laughed. "Not a chance in hell, but lucky for you, there's some food in the fridge," she smiled, and I just shook my head laughing. 

"So, how's your prince charming?" she asked, acting like a little kid about to hear their favourite story. "Hayley, come on, you know its not like that. I'm working for him, and he's a world famous musician. Never in a million years would I ever want to get involved in that kind of relationship," I said, and Hayley raised an eyebrow at me. I felt myself sink to the ground. "I'm not an idiot," Hayley smirked, and I groaned, placing my head in my hands. Hayley shook her head. 

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