14. | A Bloody Distraction

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"Chloe, wake up!" Hayley yelled at me, and I turned over in my bed, not wanting to accept the fact that I needed to get up. "You're going to be late!" Hayley threw a pillow at my head and I groaned. I glanced at my alarm clock and my eyes went wide. She was right, I was going to be late.

The other day, Jessie had phoned me asking if I could come to her office today because she had something she wanted to discuss with me. I couldn't even begin to think about what it was, but it wouldn't be surprising to me if it was like, a lawsuit or something. I'm sure it's nothing good. I rolled out of my bed and threw on dark blue jeans and a black top. After throwing my blonde hair into a ponytail, I was out the door.

I haven't heard from Harry in awhile. He told me he was going to be busy writing and stuff. To be completely honest, I knew it was going to happen. As if I was important to him at all. I'm pretty much destroyed inside because I was falling extremely hard for him, but I was not about to let it show. I've been destroyed by men time and time again, I wasn't about to let it break me down. I'm a strong independent woman, I can find my own way through the hard times in my life without leaning on someone else for support.

As I walked into the building that was the headquarters of Illusion Magazine, Jessie greeted me, walking over to me from the front desk. Clearly this was going to be quick. It didn't take long to hand someone an envelope with a court appearance date written on it.

"Chloe, come with me," she said, and I froze. She wasn't taking me to court? I quickly followed her down the hallway to her office. Once inside, she closed the door and gestured for me to have a seat while she sat behind her desk. The last time I was in here I was fired, so it wasn't exactly a place I wanted to be. However, I hesitantly sat down and faced her.

"I'll get right to the point, the stuff you were writing about Harry was absolutely brilliant. The stuff you were sending me was exactly what I wanted, to a tee. Vanessa, the reporter I have in the field right now to continue with the article, cannot cover anything accurately, and her writing is questionable at best. I don't know what's going on between you and Harry, but as long as you keep it strictly out of the public eye, I don't have a problem putting you back on this assignment. I want you on the next flight to LA. Sound good?" Jessie asked me, sounding like it was the most normal thing. 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I was almost done with the article, Jessie. I just need a couple more weeks, tops. By then I'll have everything done and ready to be edited." I said proudly. She nodded her head. "Perfect, on your way then. Good luck. Stay away from cameras," she said, and I nodded. I immediately went home, explained to Hayley, packed my bags, and headed for the airport. I didn't tell Harry, I was hoping it would be a surprise. I hadn't seen him in two weeks, so I was hoping this would really catch him off guard.


"I'll take your bags," Andrew said, taking my things and placing them in the car. I had just touched down in LA and it was about 11 pm. "Am I staying at the hotel?" I asked him, and he shrugged. "I'm not going to bother. I'm sure the house if fine, since you were there a couple weeks ago. We can discuss more in the morning. The hotel is a further drive," Andrew said laughing, and I laughed as well, nodding my head.

Once we pulled up to Harry's house, I excitedly jumped out of the SUV and walked toward the door, Andrew grabbing my bags. I knocked on the door, and after a little I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. It swung open to reveal a girl, about my age, wearing pyjama pants and a tank top. She kind of looked familiar, but I couldn't place her face to a name. She smiled at me. "Hi, can I help you?" she asked, and I froze. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions or anything, so I tried to stay calm. "I'm, I'm Chloe. I'm looking for Harry," I said, shooing Andrew off and telling him to keep my things in the car. This girl was probably staying in the guest bedroom.

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