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Dancing with Nicholas was fun. He joked alot with me and had a charming attitude that put me at ease with the man. I was laughing and was actually having a bit of fun at the party, Damien wasn't back from whatever meeting he had, and I didn't bother to look for him either.

The music was slow now, and I and Nicholas swayed our bodies slowly along with the music. I was feeling comfortable with this man, he would make a very good friend I thought.

"I hope Damien doesn't take my head for this," he said in an amused tone referring to us dancing together.

"I don't think so." I said cracking a smile at him, after all Nicholas was Mr.Rossi's son.

We continued dancing until two large hands were placed on either side of my waist and my body was yanked from Nicholas' arms to a hard chest. My back was now pressed to the person's front and I looked up to only meet the furious eyes of Damien.

"You know better than to play with what's mine, Rossi." Damien stated at Nicholas. While his face was calm, I could feel the tight grip he had on my waist which gave me the feeling that he wasn't exactly calm.

"Oh, the lady was bored Damien. I was just giving her some company." Nicholas said with an easy smile, but now there was something distasteful in his eyes that wasn't present before.

"Were you bored, my love?" He looked down at me and ran his nose on the top of my head while circling his thumbs on my waist and caressing it.

"Hmm" I hummed not knowing what to say at the thick tension between the two men.

Damien bent down and whispered in my ear, "Dance with me." I shivered at the feeling of his breath on my neck as he turned me around to face him.

He started moving and I followed. We danced for a while and I lay my head lightly on his chest suddenly feeling a bit tired.

The music stopped and Damien lead me to the bar while his hands were firm but gentle on my waist. Taking a sip of my wine I looked around to only spot a beautiful woman with her wavy brown hair and beautiful dress head towards where I and Damien were standing. I looked at Damien and saw that he was typing away in his phone while his left hand held a glass of scotch.

The woman was by now near us and she placed one of her manicured hands on Damien's forearm as she cheerfully said, "Damien?"

Damien looked up from his phone and smirked at her and bent down to place a kiss on her cheeks. My heart squeezed a bit and I was genuinely surprised with my reaction. What did I care ?

"Nina," Damien looked at the woman and continued giving her that sexy smirk of his.

"Oh it's been ages since I've met you," Nina said as she ran her hands on Damiens hands, "Why don't we catch up some day?" Nina smiled.

The smirk Damien had on his face grew as he nodded at her, "Why not? I could do with some fun." He stated back at her with a wink.

Hmm flirting Damien.

Realising that none of them are planning to address my existence I turned around to look the other way. As I sipped on my wine I could hear Damien and Nina chatting. He seems to be at ease with her, talking more freely than he talks with anyone. My heart squeezed again and I felt mad at myself for my reaction. This shouldn't be happening.

I sighed and looked around. I felt alone. Being sheltered by your family all your life ended up in me having no acquaintances in a mafia party.

"Is it her?" I could hear Nina ask behind me. I couldn't hear Damien's reply though. I didn't want them to feel that I was eavesdropping on them so I stood the way I was.

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