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The rays of sun hit my face as I was seated on our garden. Trying to soak in the ever needed warmth and freshness I laid down on the cool grass with a book in my hand.

"Here," it was mum with a cup of tea in her hand. I sat up and got the cup from her as I whispered a thankyou.

"Sweetheart, you didn't tell me how your date went last night?" Mum smiled sweetly at me, mum wasn't aware about me breaking down at our porch or the entire disastrous state I was in last night, only Chris knew. I didn't want my entire family to know and go ballistic, even Chris didn't know the entire details of my great date.

Thinking about last night, tears prickled my eyes as I couldn't believe this is how my first date ever went like, not wanting mama to know my inner turmoil I smiled back at her and replied, "It was beautiful, mama. Damien took me out to this restaurant with beautiful view and we got to know each other a bit better."

"Well, the redness around your eyes doesn't tell me the same story." She stated, her face solemn.

"I- oh that must be because of reading continuously for a long while." I desperately formed an excuse.

"Are you lying to a woman who spent more than three decades with your father, a cruel mafia leader? I can only imagine how hard Damien must have been on you." Mama looked at me with her eyes filled with concern for her daughter.

I remained silent and looked up at the sky trying to control the tears that was trying to spill out of my eyes. "Elle, did he treat you well?" I nodded in reply without looking back at her.

We were silent for a few minutes before mum said, "Damien send you these.." My eyes flew up in shock, and looked at mama as she produced a beautiful bouquet of red roses, I was reluctant to take it from her but didn't want to worry mama too much with my reaction so I got it from her hands. It was heavy and simply beautiful, I smelled it's fresh fragrance and noticed a small note attached to it. It read, 'Darling, my temper can sometimes get out of hand but hope these flowers can soothe that beautiful heart of yours~ Damien King.'

I kept the flowers on my side and smelled them again as I said mama that I wanted to rest for a while. Mama left me alone but not before kissing my forehead.

I was touched by Damien's gesture. Maybe he does have a heart underneath that cold and ruthless persona I mused, but at the same time I was very much aware about the cold murders he had committed over the years of his rule of this world. His legacy of manipulating and cunning ways raced through my mind as I stared at the roses which was now on my lap, maybe he was trying to manipulate me too.. this is just one of his tricks, I said to myself. No, I wouldn't fall for this stupid bouquet and note, I decided.

My phone was vibrating from my pocket, not looking at the caller ID I answered, "Hy!"

"Darling." Ofcourse, it was Damien.

I remained silent.

"Did you like the roses? I hear that it's your favourite." He said through the phone.

"How do you know?" I wondered out loud.

"Your best friend." He stated.


Damien chuckled as he replied,"You really didn't think I would let that boy off after his little stunt yesterday, did you?"

"What?" I gasped in realisation as my eyes widened in shock, "Blake is with you?"

"No, not anymore." He stated coolly.

"Is he okay?" I questioned afraid of his answer.

"Is my woman worried about another man?" Damien questioned his voice turning possessive.

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