Chapter 16: The Final Battle

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A/N The final chapter! It's been such an epic journey! Anyways, enjoy!

Velociraptor's P.O.V.

We've been walking though the Evil Forest to reach the lake for many, many hours now. It's day now, and I'm very nervous about seeing Evil Leafy again.

The air begins to chill around us, and I tighten my grip on the bucket of supplies I'm carrying, as we reach the Snowy Forest and Evil Forest boundary. There's snow under our feet, and I quickly spot the lake and it feeding part of The Goiky River.

Surely enough, there are pipes and small pumps around the lake, collecting oil into large bins. It doesn't look very stable though.

"I know she'll be around here somewhere." Says Leafy, setting her supplies on the ground. I do the same and we walk over to one of the spoil small pumps.

"Must be quite close to the surface." I comment, observing the pumps unusually small size.

"Indeed, dinosaur. Makes getting it quite a bit easier." Says a familiar voice from behind us.

Leafy and I quickly turn around to see Evil Leafy.

"Ah yes, my plan of attack is almost complete. You two will be of the uttermost help completing it." She continues.

"Actually, Evil Leafy," Leafy says, stepping forward, "We came here to kindly ask you not to attack. I'm sure whatever they did to you isn't worth getting revenge for by murdering several dozen people." I nod, backing up her statement.

Evil Leafy's expression doesn't change. "Oh sister, but don't you remember when they tried to execute you when you stole Dream Island? I suspected part of you wouldn't want them to be harmed, even after all they've done to you." She said coolly. "Of course, I have my reasons for doing this as well. See, I should have joined in season one... but I didn't, so they MUST pay."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Leafy replied first. "As much as I hate to admit it, there actions were somewhat justified. I did steal Dream Island, after all. As for you not joining, it's not even there fault! Can't you see that?"

Evil Leafy glared at us, surprised. "Very well then. You two are against me, and I'll have to deal with you." She then teleported out of sight.

"Where's she going?" I ask leafy nervously.

"I'm not sure-" She began to reply, before we heard a teleporting sound behind us.

Before I could turn around, I got knocked forward by Evil Leafy and nearly hit the oil pipeline.

"Woah, Evil Leafy! We don't have to settle this in conflict!" Leafy exclaimed, attempting to reason with her sister, only to get knocked into a tree.

Realizing my life was serious danger, I panicked. Scrambling over to the buckets of supplies, I grabbed the first thing I could, which happened to be a lighter.

Barely avoiding one attack from Evil Leafy, she quickly tried again. Flipping on the lighter didn't discourage her though. She charged at me, and although no lethal damage was inflicted on me, I crashed into the pipeline, breaking a hole in it with the lighter still on.

Wait. Oil. And fire.



The oil instantly ignited, bursting into flames. I leapt away, dropping the lighter, and landing beside Leafy, who had now gotten back up. Even Evil Leafy had stopped attacking once she realized what was happening.

The bins and rest of the pipelines went up in flames and exploded, setting some nearby trees on fire as well.

Evil Leafy turned to face us, and I'll never forgot the furious look on her face.

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