A/N [2/11/2018]

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My goodness! It's already November!

"Quite so it is! Say, why did you interrupt the readers again? It was just getting good ya' know?"

I didn't know you read our book, Alastor.

"Why wouldn't I? I'm in it, so why shouldn't I read it? Besides, your book has the first ranking with my name!"

It does?

"Yes it does missy~ why don't ya take a peep on this?"

"Yes it does missy~ why don't ya take a peep on this?"

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"Good Golly, isn't that swell?"

My goodness! We're doing surprisingly well!

"I really want to know what happens to me! I can hardly contain my excitement!"

A-Alastor... you're grinning too close to my face

"Oh forgive me darling! Now excuse me, who wants to dance? Cue the music! *plays vintage swing music* The dance floor is open to all!"

"Hey Trix, what's all the noise? Is there like some sort of a celebration going on?"

Oh Angel! I see you've finally gotten up! Just look at how well our book is doing!

"That's not bad considering that we only uploaded it a few weeks ago! (20/10/2018) I must say I'm proud of your progress! Keep up the good work Sugar~♡"

Aww thanks Angel~ where's the rest?

"Charlie and Vaggie are outside talking, Cherri is MIA, and Pentious is also gone. I was thinking of adding another one of our friends to the mix. Whaddaya' say?"

*laughs* Okay Angel, but who?

"You'll know soon. We can't spoil it for the readers now can we? *chuckles*"

You're right. As for that dance, Alastor I'll be glad to join you! Everyone else is welcomed and remember, first dance is always free.

"Stay Tuned darling~♡" - Angel xoxo

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