Chapter 24: Threat

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As (Y/n) woke up from her bed, she realised once after she got ready for the day that nobody seemed to be around. She walked to the lobby, awaiting for demons to come flood the bar that she sings at, but nobody came. Not even the sweet laughter of Charlie and the constant whining of Vaggie could be heard. "Something's Up..." She muttered to herself. Just as she was about to go investigate, a familiar face came running up to her.

"My apologies to interrupt your morning dear, but we have to hurry!" "Alastor! What's going on?!" She asked, concerned. "Well, Pentious isn't going to admit defeat just like that. I think we need to form a plan to stop him for good. We've tried putting him behind bars before, but that didn't work the last fifty times." Alastor began to talk to himself frantically. "Wait wait, Pentious? I thought we were done with him!" (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "I thought so as well, but that doesn't seem like the case at this moment."

"Obviously, you notice the absence of the residents in the hotel. We need to find an easy way to stop him, one that doesn't consume too much of time." Alastor pondered. "But where are the demons?" She questioned, afraid. "I'm not sure. But the faster we stop that slithering serpant, the quicker we'll get answers. I just hope he hasn't gotten to Baxter yet."

"Baxter?" (Y/n) asked confused. "He too is an inventor. If we can find him, I bet he can help us make a machine that can put Pentious into a deep sleep. No point killing him the second time because I know nobody wants to cease to exist." Alastor said determined. Without another second wasted, (Y/n) followed Alastor in search of this inventor by the name of Baxter. They were quick on their feet, and not long after reached a marine themed building. "Is this where he lives?" She asked Alastor, who nodded in response.

"Baxter old chap, we need your help!" Alastor said as he knocked on his door. The heavy metallic opened and out came an angler fish with arm and legs, dressed in a black lab coat of some sort. His eyes were framed with yellow tinted glasses, and also wore a dapper looking mini hat. "A-Alastor! What can I do for yo-- why does the town look so empty behind you?!"" Baxter soon realised that the citizens of Hell were no where to be found. "Hurry and spill the details." Baxter stated as he invited the two to enter his lab. Alastor explained the events that happened days prior that led up to this.

Baxter snapped his fingers and replied "Don't worry. You want a sleeping device now do you? Here. It's a ray gun that I made a few decades ago. I used it on myself to get a good night's rest. Just remember to change the setting from eight hours to your preferred duration on the dial here and you should be all set. I have something I need to build, so you two go on ahead. If I get the time, I will come aid you. Best of luck." Alastor and (Y/n) left the lab with a steampunk looking ray gun in their hands.

"Have any idea where Sir Pentious might be?" Asked (Y/n). Alastor shook his head trying to think of the possible places that Pentious might be lingering. Suddenly, (Y/n) came to a conclusion. "We went to the first and third laboratory, but not the second. He might be there since it's the last lab that we didn't destroy. Besides, Sylla stays around the South Side, so we can go get her to help."

Alastor looked to the ground "I don't think she really wants to see me. Yes, she said she has forgiven me, but it would be brash of me to disturb her again just to deal with the same idiot that tried to hurt her more than once. However, if you do think it is nessacary, then I trust your decision." (Y/n) held Alastor's sharp hands and focused on the same place they met Sylla. It took longer than expected, but she managed to teleport both herself and Alastor, together with the ray gun, to that 1930s themed bar.

"My word... I haven't been here in a good eight months... not after what happened that is." Alastor chuckled sadly. "Sylla! We need your help!" (Y/n) called out. A few moments of silence until she heard Asila's voice. "Get off me you egg headed gremlins! Awfully sorry for the horrid names I must call you, but it is necessary unless you LEAVE ME ALONE!" Alastor and (Y/n) went backstage to find Asila fighting off what seemed to be the same egg minions that Sir Pentious attacked them with in his lab. Alastor was still slightly weak, therefore he couldn't fully use his powers to cause harm.

So he aimed the ray at each of the egg minions, shooting them one by one with a sleeping duration almost similar to eons. Asila took notice of them as spoke as she dusted her maroon suit and retracted her wings. "(Y/n) and A-Alastor... what are you two doing here?" Alastor spoke up "We need your help. Pentious has somehow taken most of the demons from the central town. We're not sure what he's up to, but (Y/n) assumes that he is in the Laboratory that is located here." Asila agreed to help and the three left to the laboratory they didn't manage to go to before.

As they barged into the entrance, they were met with Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, and Cherri, fighting against Sir Pentious, who was heavily armed with machines of his own creation. Angel was aiming at Pentious, simultaneously trying not to get killed a second time, Charlie and Vaggie were working together, using some of Pentious's guns they found to shoot him, Husk was throwing blade sharp poker cards at Pentious, which did cut his body slightly, and Cherri was doing the obvious, throwing bombs.

"You two, Look up there!" Sylla exclaimed, terrified, as she pointed to the ceiling, which revealed the citizens of Hell encased and sleeping in bubbles. Pentious hissed as he took notice of their presence.

"I see three people I would love to destroy!"

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