Daddys Girl

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Its been a week since I entered gen pop. Barb has accepted me and agreed to keep me safe as long as I get her a steady supply of h or oxy. I never took the drug myself, but bringing it in got me in the good books of all the junkies.
Me and Daddy are together most of the time, and her two blonde lackeys normally trail behind us. One of them is the girl that glared at me when I first met Daddy. Her name is Annalisa. She prentends to be nice but i know she hates me.

Everyones "outside" at rec right now. I say "outside" because its really just a room with a grate for a cieling. I wasnt feeling up to it so I stayed in me and Daddys cell while everyone went off. Im lying on my hard mattress with my headphones in and my eyes closed, trying to pretend im on holiday somewhere. I think I hear someone walk in but brush it off. Suddenly Someone pins my shoulders down and rips my headphones out. I open my eyes to see Annalisa with a homemade shank in her hand, raising it as if threatening to stick it in my neck. "Daddy used to love me. Until you got here. Piece of shit youre gonna pay for this."
Just as she raised the knife abover her head, I lifted my knee from under her and kneed her in the stomach. As she was temporarily weakened, I rolled out from the bed onto the floor and stood up before she could trap me again. I looked into her eyes and could tell she was going through withdrawal. Why though? I was sure there was plenty getting into the prison. Was Daddy not giving her any?
I put my thoughts aside as Annalisa makes to stab at me. I dodge, although she makes a deep scratch on my cheek. Ignoring the blood I swing my fist at her face making her head swing to the side. I then quickly ram my fist into her stomach. She glares at me and goes towards the door like shes leaving, but as she passes me she sticks the shank in my arm hard. As I pull the blade out of my arm, I hear people coming back from rec and quickly hide it in my shoe (wrapping it in a sock first so i dont cut myself)

Daddy walks in with a small smile as I sit on the bed and cover my wound with my hand. "He- Shit mama what happened to you?"
She said a look of concern covering her face as she kneels in front of me, moving my face with her hand to look at the scratch on it. "Dont worry about it Daddy its just a scratch"
She looked at me angrily, as if to say 'dont lie to me' "Honestly Daddy im fine" I say, giving her a reassuring smile. She sighs and gets up, putting her hands on the back of her neck and sighing. I quickly get up and mutter something about going to the toilet, still gripping my arm.

As I walk down the corridoor I bump into someone, making me wince as my arm throbs. I look at the person I bumped into, quickly recognising her as the other of Daddys blonde lackeys. Her eyes widen when she sees the blood seeping through my shirt, running off, presumably to tell Daddy. Shit. Im in trouble.
I quicken my pace to the toilets. When I get there I roll up my sleeve and wash the wound, only just realising how much blood there is. It seems quite deep. Sighing and rolling down my sleeve, I decide to ignore it and leave into the corridoor.

As I walk back towards the cafeteria, I spot a flash of blonde hair in the corner of my eye and im suddenly pulled into a dark alcove. I cant see clearly who it is, but all I hear them say is "if you dare tell Daddy it was me that shank will be in your neck instead." She runs off quickly.
Arriving back at the dorm, I walk in to Daddy sitting on the bottom bunk, resting her elbows on her knees. "D...Daddy?"
She looks up at me, her eyes scanning my body for wounds. Her eyes rest on my blood red khaki sleeve. "When were you going to tell me about that?"
I hesitate before answering "I didnt think it was that important"
"Who did it? Im not stupid mama."
I debate telling her or not, but decide telling her is better than letting Annalisa attack me again.
Her face fills with anger and she stands up. "That piece of shit how dare she even touch you. Bitch is gonna get her face ripped up, dont you worry mama. No one fucks with Daddys girl."

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