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I didnt know what to call this chapter oops

I pull the collar of my shirt up, trying to hide the mark Daddy left on my neck from the guards. Theres only a few minutes left before lights out so im going back to my cell to get ready. I fucking hope Frankie isnt in there.

She is.

Ignoring her, I grab my pj's and look at Frankie to see if shes watching. I sigh when I realise shes staring right at me, a smirk on her face, almost like shes waiting for me to do something. I scoff at her and turn my back, stripping and quickly reaching for my pjs. She whistles when I bend down and I quickly stand up, getting my clothes on as quickly as I can.

I get into my bunk and stare at the ceiling. I cant seem to sleep knowing that Frankies awake in the bunk under me.
After hours of listening to the silence of prison I begin to feel my eyelids get heavy and I slip into the drowsiness of sleep.

Slowly gaining consciousness again, I expect to hear guards banging on the metal door. But instead im yet again engulfed in the erie silence of the prison.
I suddenly become aware of the bed dipping on either side of me and feel a presence on top of me. My eyes shoot open and I try to sit up only to by pinned down by a pair of hands. As my eyes adjust to the darkness I see the outline of frizzy hair and immediately recognise it as Frankie.
"Get the fuck off me"
She lets out a breathy laugh and leans further down to my face.
"Shut it princess or your daddy gets it"
She leans down to my neck and huffs when she sees the mark Daddy left. She starts kissing and biting my neck roughly, making me struggle under her and try to kick her off of me. She eventually stops, but not before making another mark right next to Daddys. Before she gets down from my bed she pecks my lips and I spit at her as she climbs down the ladder.

I wake up the next morning feeling like shit. Id barely gotten any sleep last night after Frankie woke me up. She'd already left the room when Id got up so I got ready in peace. Daddy burst in just as I was putting my shoes on.
"Did she do anything last night? I swear if she fucking put her hands on you im gonna-"
I cut her off, "calm down Daddy, Im fine, nothing happened" I say, cupping her cheek in my hand.
She still has an angry, concerned look on her face but it fades slightly as she closes her eyes and lets out a deep breath. I lean in and kiss her, wanting to remove the memory of Frankie from my mind. She seems suprised but pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. She breaks it and begins to lean down towards my neck but I quickly back away.
"U-um Ive got to go to work, bye" I say, putting my hand on my neck, scared that she would see the second mark. I quickly walk out before she can stop me.


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