Latin Quarter

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When the Count arrives back at the hotel I am dressed for bed and step out into the sitting room, seeing the Count hanging his jacket and getting changed, "are you heading out again?"

"Yes, little one, I am. I must see a man about my newest shipment. Please get your rest, my dear." The Count walks over to me and kisses my forehead before he heads out. I do as I am told and to go to bed. When I wake the next morning I walk into the main room the Count smiles to me, "good morning, my dear. How did you sleep?"

I rub the bridge of my nose, "just fine, thank you. How did you sleep?"

"Not at all, I'm afraid. I stopped Phillippe Danglers from stealing goods from one of our ships."

"Oh my. At least you were able to stop him."

"Yes. Unfortunately, it has left me far to tried to spend our last day in Paris with you as I wished to. I don't suppose you would be alright spending the day with Albert instead?" I look down, "Jacopo told me about last night. It is nice to see that you are winning the boy's affections. Best not lose them, hmm?"

I nod and raise my head smiling, "spending the day with Albert would be a fitting substitute for a day with you, Father."

"Very good. Now go get ready. I have already sent word to the Mondego house and Albert shall be here in about an hour."

I nod, turning back into my room, as Marie and Justine pick a dress for me, at my request that they do so. The two pick a loose-fitting white dress, with black lace sleeves, the lace also comes across the top of the dress as well, the waist of the dress is decorated with beads in the patterns of flowers. Justine keeps my hair very simple only pulling back the top half, leaving the rest of it down and makes sure my makeup matches its simplicity.

When I walk out into the main room the Count smiles to me and walks over, opening a small box, "I have a present for you, my dear. As a reward for how well you've done." The Count opens a box and takes out a small silver bracelet and places it on my wrist.

"Thank you," I smile up to him.

"Of course, what else are father's for." As the Count smiles at me, we hear a knocking on the door. "That must be Albert." The Count walks over to the door and opens it up, "hello, Albert. Please come in."

Albert enters the room and smiles, "thank you, Count. I was very surprised and pleased to get your letter this morning. It would be an honor to spend the day with your Daughter." Albert turns to me and smiles even more, "Clara."

I blush as I smile softly, "Albert."

The Count clears his throat as he walks over to me, "please, take care of her today. We will head back to the estate in the this evening. When you two are done this afternoon, have Alex bring you home." I nod and smile up to the Count before crossing to Albert. "Please have her home before sundown."

Albert nods, "yes, sir. Of course." Albert and I walk out of the room and turn to one another, "so, what do you want to do today, my dear?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, what were you and the Count planning on doing today?"

"Walk around, enjoy the sites of the city."

"Well then, I will take you on a walk around the city. Maybe to one of the museums in Paris."

I nod and smile, "that would be perfect."

"Fantastic," Albert and I begin our walk around the city, walking to The Sorbonne and the Latin Quarter. The trees full of green luscious leaves. Albert and I had been walking arm in arm and continue to stay this way while we look up the at trees. "So tell me, what is it like being the Daughter of someone like the Count?"

"I imagine it is the same as being the Son of The Count Mondego. You are in the public eye more often than you wish, you wish for nothing more than to make them proud, and you will do anything to do that."

"Would you? Do anything to make your father happy?"

I nod, "yes, I would." Albert smiles and shakes his head, "why? Wouldn't you?"

"I don't know. My father isn't a man of morals. He is a man on means. If he wants it, he takes it. He has had a string of affairs and he has gambled away our fortune." Albert looks over to me, "I'm sorry... Tell me about your mother."

I chuckle and look down, "my mother was the most beautiful woman to ever walk the Earth. She was kind, loving, generous, and wanted nothing more than happiness, for everyone she met."

"What happened to her?"

I clear my throat, "umm... she got sick and didn't survive."

I look up to Albert, who is looking at me with a look of sorrow, "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's alright. I don't talk about it often."

"I can't imagine you do. I don't think I've heard you or your father ever mention your mother."

I shake my head, "Father doesn't like to talk about her, as you can imagine. He lost the love of his life and nearly lost his mind."

"Where are the two of you from? Everyone says that you're foreign, but no one knows where you're from."

"We are French. We are not foreign, although since my father went into hiding after my mother passed I can see why people would think that. What about your family?"

"Uh... my mother was a fishmongers daughter before she married my father. My father says he loved her so much he married her as soon as he could and with my Grandfather and Uncle dying in the war, my father didn't have to fight anyone to marry my mother."

I nod and smile listening to Albert, "sounds like a once in a lifetime love."

Albert nods, "I'd agree with you if it wasn't for his affairs. I don't know how my father can cheat on my mother when he claims to love her so." Albert and I walk around the city a little longer before we arrive back at the hotel and Alex drives me home. I know that I was meant to play Albert for the Count, but I am truly falling for him. He is kind and sweet and genuine. When I arrive at the estate the Count and Jacopo are not there but had left me a note that they would be out late, not coming back until late that night or early the next morning.

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