Shall I Stay?

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The Count looks to the Countess, then to me and Albert, before looking back to Mondego, "I want no more of this. Just go. Call it mercy. Mercy, Fernand." Mondego lowers his gun for a moment before raising it again. The Count steps toward him, "you've only got one shot, and it will take more than that to stop me."

Mondego smirks, "well, then I'd best put it where it will do the most damage."

As Mondego pulls the trigger something hits his hand, it is only now I realize that Jacopo had thrown a knife into his hand as he moved his aim to the Countess' heart. "No!" We all shout, rushing over to her.

Albert places a hand under her head, "mother."

"Jacopo!" The Count shouts.

Jacopo quickly comes over and places a handkerchief on the wound. "Once again, Zatarra... God sees you out the corner of his eye. She'll live."

I place a hand over my mouth as we hear Mondego outside, "Edmond! Edmond!"

The Count stands and I with him, "please, don't go out there. Don't."

Jacopo grabs the sword and hands it to the Count, "you try. Don't ever quit. Zatarra, you must end this. Even the priest will understand that."

"Edmond!" Mondego shouts again.

I shake my head, as tears well up in my eyes. The Count walks over to me and places his head against mine, "I will be alright, little one." He turns to Albert, "watch over your mother."

Albert nods as the Count heads out to face Mondego. As he does, the Countess looks up to me, while there are tears in her eyes she still smiles, "you aren't Edmond's daughter, are you?"

I shake my head, "no, I'm not."

Albert shifts his weight and sits down, "then who are you?"

"Do you want the long version?"

The Countess takes a deep breath, "we have the time."

I nod and look over to Albert then back to the Countess, "Edmond found me about a year ago. When I was fifteen and begging on the street. He hired me to help him get close to the Count Mondego. He told me that I would never need or want anything. I would have everything and all I had to do was play the loving daughter."

"So you didn't know his plan was to bring down Fernand?"

I shake my head, "I know that he had wronged him, as did Villefort. But I did not know how or what he was going to do."

Albert sighs, "and you just went along with this plan?"

"I was alone on the streets of Paris and I did not know the extent of his plans."

The three of us fall silent as the Count comes back into the ruins. He had killed Fernand, Villefort was in prison and he had his family back. About a week or so after we get back to the estate I begin to pack some of my things. Since the Count had paid me for my part in his plan I could have a very nice life, if I play my cards right.

As I pack I hear a light knocking on the door, "yes?" I call out as I turn.

When the door opens, the Count pokes his head in, "may I come in?"

I nod, "of course."

He steps in and smiles over to me, "you're packing?"

"I assumed my services were no longer needed and that I would be asked to leave soon."

"You don't have to leave if you do not wish to. I have come to think of you as a daughter and I would like for you to stay."

"What about the Countess and Albert?" I take a deep breath, "I know at least Albert hates me for betraying him."

"The Countess understands your part in my plan and knows that you didn't know the extent that I would go to to get my revenge. And Albert... well, he is a very passionate man, like his father. Give him some time and I'm sure that he will be able to forgive you. But I would still like you to stay and be part of our family. You can stay if you wish."

I look around the room for a moment, it's not like I have anywhere else to go. The worst thing I'll have to go through is Albert being mad at me for the rest of my life, "I'll think it over."

The Count smiles, "fantastic."

I head out onto the North patio, thinking about the conversation I had will the Count there a little over a year ago and if I would really be able to stay. I am in a cream-colored dress, with a red cover draped over my arms. I walk around and look over the patio looking over the railing to the pond and to the East. As I look over the pond I hear the door to the patio open and turn to see Albert. Albert looks to me, almost as if he is surprised to see me, "hello, Clara."

I glance down, "hello, Albert."

"Is Clara your real name?"

I nod and look up to Albert, "yes, it is."

"Will you be leaving soon?"

"Um... the Count has asked me to stay... To be part of the family, as he put it... But I don't know if I will stay for very long."

"Where would you go if you were to leave?"

"I'm not sure. Somewhere North of Paris. Somewhere quiet."

"Are you that tired of the Counts and Lords of Paris already?" Albert chuckles softly.

I shake my head and chuckle with him, "bo, but I won't be able to show my face unless claiming to be the Count's daughter in high sociality. So I imagine it best to leave and live a simple, quiet life."

Albert nods and falls silent for a moment, "would there be any convincing you to stay?"

I look over to Albert, "please, don't try to get me to stay to please your father."

"I'm not," Albert shakes his head, falling silent again. It is only after clearing his throat that he speaks again, speaking quietly almost in a whisper, "I want you to stay."

"What?" I step toward Albert, not sure I heard him correctly.

Albert looks up to me and speaks a little louder, "I want you to stay... I understand why you agreed to help him and I'm choosing to see your choice as the choice that brought you to me." Albert smiles to me, taking a step forward.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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