Chapter Twenty

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I was saved by the bell. Literally. At that exact, torturing moment I was saved. I took the opportunity to task myself with the request at the front door. I could hear Nick following me with interest to whoever had acquired out attention at quarter past eight on this so far near eventual morning.

"Oh hello, Pete."

Pete smiled pleasantly as he rubbed the palms of his hands together. "Apologies," he said, tipping his blue sports cap forward, the whispers of grey hair sticking out from the sides. "I was near in the area and I was hoping it wasn't too much fuss to pop in now instead of later. Might as well start with the best of my clients."

"Of course, it's no problem," I replied, thankful for his unexpected arrival. Pete entered, shaking Nick's hand briefly as they conversed sharing few general updates. I could hear them nattering as I took lead towards the living room, they following behind like a troops following command. Pete was rummaging in his pockets as he took a seat on the two seater sofa listening attentively as possible to Nick who spoke about business, and in return listened to Pete's mention of a new car he'd purchased.

"Well," Nick began, slapping his knees as he sat up of the arm of the chair he'd perched on. "I better get to work. Got plenty to be doing so I'll see you around sometime, Pete."

"Good to see you, Nick," Pete replied, earnestly, shaking my husband's hand once more.

"See you later, love," Nick said to me, before kissing my cheek. I gave a meek smile, sighing with relief as I was soon left just with Pete who was pulling out his phone from his pocket, along with the tiny, neat red notepad he'd like to jot notes down in instead of the bulky task of carrying a laptop around.

"Would you like a drink? Tea, the usual?" I asked.

"That would be lovely."

"Just be a second." I smiled before heading out. The concern now shifted to my manuscript that was resembling my current situation and whether I was actually sane to think I could publish the material.

I halted in my steps as my eyes pinpointed onto the baby one piece lying carelessly on the kitchen counter. With fear, I swiped it up and dashed it into one of the kitchen cupboards fearing if I looked any longer, I would crack. I knew guilt was talking as I refrained myself from undoing my actions and acted as if it wasn't in existence. I shook my head, taking a deep breath as I turned on the kettle knowing at this moment, I had to focus on what I should have been working on and that was, writing.

"So, how are you doing, Pete?" I asked as I carried his mug of tea over to him. He thanked me as he placed it on the cup coaster ahead on the coffee table. I took position on the single seater diagonal to the two seater. There was apparent worry surfacing from the crease of lines furrowing together upon his forehead.

"To be honest, Rose. I'm going through a rough patch with Elizabeth," he confessed.

I wasn't surprised that he was sharing personal updates considering Pete had been a part of the journey that was my career for three years. Certain boundaries weren't necessary. I had met Elizabeth, his wife, often, amongst the several release book parties my publishing house, often generously offered under my success. They were a blissfully married couple, and for some years which had inspired such confidence to my own and Nick's fruitful five years. Now, I couldn't lie I was a bit concerned to hear this.

"How come Pete?" I wasn't going to admit it, but I knew deep down, I was curious to whether Pete's rough patch equated to my own? Although, I knew Pete would be the least to cheat unlike myself.

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