Part 4: Midnight Snack

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   (Kokichi's POV)

   I opened the door, my grape panta bottle in hand. I had went outside to retrieve it, despite it being nearly empty. Besides, it was a good excuse to check something  else real quick. I stared at Shuichi who appeared to analyze me again.

   "I got my panta!" I yelled enthusiastically. "Also, stop analyzing me."

   Shuichi sighed. "Alright, also that took like ten minutes,"

   "Oh, I took a little detour, sorry to keep you waiting." I say without much explanation.

   "Detour?" he mumbles curiously.

   "That's what I said." I start chugging my full grape panta. Shuichi looks at me confused. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I take a break from chugging to ask him.

   "Wasn't your panta nearly empty when we left? It's nearly full now." he looks confused.

   "Oh, I was too distracted by the pretty sunset, I hardly drank any while there. You're probably just confused." When he looks down I quickly wipe away the condensation on the bottle hoping he won't notice that either.

   "Hmm, probably." he looks unconvinced but drops the topic.

   "I think we missed the nighttime announcement, do you want to go back to your room?" I ask.

   "I'm not really tired." he says.

   "Me neither, do you want to keep hanging out then?" I inquire.

   "Sure." he sit's on my bed.

   "So Shuichi, whats your honest opinion on everyone here?" I ask curiously.

   "Huh, well, I think most of the people here are nice, some are a little strange, but still nice." he responds.

   "What about me?" I say with a gleam in my eye.

   "You have an interesting personality. It's almost like conflict excites you. It's hard understanding what goes on in your mind."

   I smile creepily. "Nishishi, I'm not that complicated am I?" I step forward and lean in towards him, a few inches from his face.

   "Gah!" he leans back.

   I step back and sigh. "Hmm, I'm kinda hungry. Wanna go get a snack?"

   Shuichi, clearly relieved I'm not so close anymore, responds. "Yeah, good idea."

   "Too bad Kirumi's not awake, she could have whipped up something delicious." I pout. "Oh well, I guess we'll just have to make do with whats there."

   "Okay, lets go." he gets up and we leave. In the kitchen we find cookies and some milk. 

   I drown the cookie in the milk and watch as the bubbles come up. "Die cookie, die, mwahahahaha!"

   "Umm, Kokichi, what are you doing?" he gives me a strange look.

   "I'm drowning the cookie, what does it look like I'm doing?" I reply.

   "If you do it like that, the cookie will get to soggy and break off from the piece your holding." As he finishes, the cookie breaks off and falls to the bottom of the glass.

   "Aww, and I was really looking forward to eating it too." I pout.

   Shuichi laughs. "Here, have some of mine." he breaks his cookie in half and gives me one of the halves.

   "Thanks Shuichi, thats so generous of you!" I smile and greedily finish my half. He smiles and gives me the other half. "Huh, don't you want a cookie too?"

   "No, I'm not really hungry. I'm just thirsty." He sips his milk slowly.

   "Huh, we've been hanging out for a while now, I wonder what time it is." I wonder out loud.

   "Oh, I'd say it's about midnight by now." He yawns. "Speaking of time, we should get back to our rooms. I don't usually stay up this late."

   "Okay, lets return to the dormitory then." We walk back together then separate to go to our rooms. I sit at my desk and pull out what I had been working on earlier today. It was a picture of me wearing Shuichi's hat with him standing next to me smiling. It was that smile that I didn't see often from him. It was the smile that he smiled when he was totally at ease enjoying the moment. I remember seeing him briefly making that smile when we watched the sun set. 

   I flop on my bed like a pancake and recall the events of today in my head. I hadn't been totally honest to Shuichi about the events of today. I remember eating breakfast in the morning, staring at Shuichi wearing his hat. I had really hoped I might have convinced him to take it off, but he didn't. I watched him and Kaede setting up the cameras through the crack in the library door. When they were done, I quickly left without being seen. That was the "exploring" I had told Shuichi I had done. Then I went to my room and drew for a while until Shuichi came in and I started hanging out with him. We watched the sunset together although, truth be told, I was watching Shuichi more than the sunset. I remember going back to my room but going back to retrieve my panta. Actually, my panta had been empty so I didn't bother retrieving it. Instead, I took a "detour" stopping by my panta stash along the way to grab a soda. Shuichi had been suspicious but luckily he hadn't seen through my lie. We had a midnight snack together than returned to our separate rooms. 

   I think about the time limit. It expires tomorrow. Somebody will likely have died before then though. I don't think I'd mind if someone died because I really don't care about anyone here, except for Shuichi I suppose. I start to worry. What if someone kills him? He is the ultimate detective, so anyone with half a brain would kill him to make the class trial harder. That already tips his odds of survival for the worse. What if someone already has killed him? I worry for a while. I don't know if I could handle Shuichi being gone. After a few hours of tossing, turning , and worrying, I eventually fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

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