Part 23: It's my fault

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(Kokichi's POV)

Gonta did it. That's the truth that nobody wants to hear. Gonta killed Miu. He's the one that killed her not me... It's not my fault... cause I'm not the one that strangled her... Then why do I feel so guilty?

"But Gonta couldn't have done it, he's not sma-" Himiko starts to say.

"Well, I'm the one who came up with the plan, Gonta carried it out." I explain.

"Gonta doesn't understand." Gonta says.

"It was obviously you!" Kaito shouts.

I sigh. "We already discussed why I couldn't be the culprit."

"Well it's not Gonta!" Kaito says.

"Kaito, I know you want to believe in people but we can't keep going back and forth like this, we need to use some logic." Shuichi says.

"See? Shuichi agrees with me, not you!" I grin.

"Well it's not like that, I just want everyone to survi-" Shuichi starts.

"Gonta really not do it! Gonta just don't understand..."

"But we need to see if it was actually possible." After fighting for a while, we conclude that it was possible.

"I... I don't want to fight with Gonta." Himiko says.

"I already told you that in order to find a liar you need to corner them psychologically, that's why it hurts to do this. Gonta, if you understand, fight back! Make logical arguments!" That's what the killer would do, and Gonta's the killer...

"L-Logical arguments?" Gonta asks.

"It means, use your head to make arguments." He's the killer, he needs to act like it!


"What I'm trying to say is, if you aren't the culprit then you gotta prove that you aren't!" In other words, prove your the killer.

"But Gonta don't know..."

"I'm sick of hearing you say you don't know. God, why are you so dumb!" Why is he acting like he isn't the killer? He's the one that killed her so why is he acting so innocent?

"Gonta just want to be true gentleman..."

"True gentleman? More like true nincompoop!"

"Hey that just bullying!" Himiko says.

"So? That's what you do in this game. You guys all gang up on me." I turn to Gonta again. "Gonta, you have to argue back already, just make an excuse, or whatever!" Gonta needs to act like the killer... cause if he isn't... then that would mean it's my fault...

"Stop it!" Kaito exclaims.

"Stop what? Stop the game? You don't even know what you're saying."

"Gonta if not culprit is, cause Gonta really not know!"

"That's it!" Shuichi says suddenly. "The whole time you've been saying that you don't know, that's because you don't know!"

"What do you mean Shuichi?" I ask.

"I don't think Gonta remembers what happened in the virtual world because of an error that happened when he logged in." He explains.

"You mean the player with the log in error was Gonta?" So that's why he's acting the way he is?

"I believe so, it seems to be the only logical answer we have left." Then... the reason why Gonta's acting the way he is is because he really doesn't remember anything about the virtual world?

"Gonta don't remember virtual world. Gonta put helmet on and fell asleep then when Gonta wake up he find Miu dead!" Gonta says, confirming Shuichi's suspicion.

"But even if he forgot his memory, Gonta wouldn't kill Miu!" Kaito says.

"Well I'm getting bored, it's voting time!" Monokuma announces. Everyone casts their votes. Not surprisingly, the board is split between me and Gonta, Gonta winning by a few votes. Monokuma brings out the version of Gonta from the virtual world and he explains why he did what he did. Monokuma gets ready to start the execution.

"Very well then Gonta Gokuhara, time to-"

"No! You can't execute him!" I shout. Everyone turns to me shocked. "It's my fault, not his. I'm the reason Miu is dead, so you should execute me in place of him." Tears stream down my face as I speak.

"Sorry, but no can do. Gonta is the one who strangled Miu. It's punishment time!" Monokuma executes Gonta by stinging him with hundreds of bees then finally a giant wasp. The execution ends as he lights it all on fire. When the execution ends, I'm still crying. I have to stop crying, this might ruin my plan!

Shuichi walks towards me. "You okay?" Everyone looks at me still surprised that I was crying.

I wipe away my tears and smile. "Yeah, I was just faking it."

"You were faking it?" Maki says. "Gonta died because of you and you have the audacity to pretend to cry?"

"Nishishi," I smile as wide as I can. "Of course I do. I am an evil supreme leader after all, the more you suffer, the more I enjoy it." Shuichi looks at me in shock and disbelief.

"Why you-" Kaito lunges at me and I move out of the way causing him to fall.

"My, my, you're slower than usual." I say.

"Gh!" Kaito coughs into his hand. He lowers his hand revealing the blood. People rush to his side to help him. In the commotion, I slip out of the trial grounds.

"It's time." The words echo in my head. "I need to do this." It's time to do the next step of my plan... Shuichi's face pops into my head, the way he looked at me in shock and confusion. Whatever, I'll have to get used to seeing it. At times like these I'm usually with Shuichi while we comfort each other. Right now I just want to scream. I sigh. Why not?

"AAAAAHHH!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "AAAAAHHH!" I scream for a few minutes.

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