Chapter Twenty

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"Chi-Chi..." I said, rushing to the bathroom. I barley made it to the toilet in time. Chi-Chi came in behind me. Kneeling down, she rubbed my back while I threw up.

Groaning, I leaned back. I felt like shit. Chi-Chi placed a cool wash cloth on my forehead. "It's alright, honey." She told me, still rubbing my back.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I mumbled, trying not to move to much so I wouldn't get sick again.

It had been about two months since my encounter with the full moon and the Androids.  When I regained consciousness, I was in Capsule Corp. I was sore all over and I had a new scar on my wrist. When I asked Chi-Chi and Bulma what happened, only then did they bother to tell me about Saiyans and full moons.

Two weeks later the sickness started. Everyday I would throw up. I couldn't eat much and I was scared of dehydration. I would sometimes catch the side glances Bulma and Chi-Chi exchanged, but I never asked them about it.

"I don't know honey, I don't know." Chi-Chi said. But there was a falseness in her voice. Like she did know what was wrong.

"Chi-Chi." I started, turning around. 

"What is it honey?" She asked. I didn't answer. Instead, I just looked at her. Waiting. I could see it in her eyes. She knew.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I ask again. The nausea had subsided for now. "I know you know."

Biting her lip, Chi-Chi hesitated. I kept staring at her. Finally, she sighed.

"Lets get you cleaned up, then I'll tell you, alright?"

Nodding, I stood up. After I brushed my teeth, Chi-Chi and I made our way back out to the kitchen where Bulma was making lunch.

"Hey, how you feeling?" She asked, handing me a cup of grape juice. I don't know why, but whenever I get sick, grape juice helps to calm my stomach down.

"Like shit." I mumble, sitting down. Chi-Chi stands next to Bulma, her back to me. "Now, what's going on Chi-Chi? What's wrong with me?" I feel like I've asked this question a million times today.

As I take a sip of the juice Bulma had given me, Chi-Chi answers me. 

"Bulma and I believe that you're pregnant."

I spit out the juice, coughing. Right away, she throws a towel at me while Bulma pats me on the back. When I finally stop choking I yell, "You think I'm what?!?!"

Bulma sighs. "Pregnant Moona. We think you're pregnant." I can see the joy and concern in her eyes.

"But..." Is all I manage to get out. If they're right, I would be about three to four months along...

Despair washes over me. Not only was has Trunks been gone way longer then he should, but now I was pregnant. I don't want to bring a child into this hellhole!!!

Calm down. I thought. Chi-Chi and Bulma said they only thought you're pregnant. It doesn't mean you actually are pregnant.

"How... How do you know for sure?" I ask, my voice nothing more then a whisper.

"I'll be right back." Bulma says, grabbing her purse. We hear the door close and her car start.

I can't sit still. Getting up, I start pacing, something I did when I was either excited, nervous, angry, or thinking. Or, in this case, I was all four.

"Moona." Chi-Chi said, grabbing my arm. I shook her off, still pacing. My tail, which had grown back again, swayed nervously. My palms were sweating, and my heart was beating a million miles per hour.

"Rosamoona." Chi-Chi said sternly. As I looked up, she pulled me into a hug. Sighing, I hugged her back. "It'll be alright. I promise you." She told me, petting my hair. I nodded, taking a shakey breath.

A few minutes later, we hear Bulma's car pull into the drive. When she came back into the house, she had a small box in her hand. Right away I knew what it was.

She handed it to me and I nodded, walking back to the bathroom. After I was done, I came back into the kitchen. Bulma and Chi-Chi where waiting. Sitting down at the table, I place the test in the middle so we could all see.

I stared at the little blue plus sigh uncomprehendingly. It couldn't be true... I couldn't be...

Something that sounded like a strangled gasp escaped my lips. Warm, salty tears made their way down my face, dripping on to the table.

Chi-Chi and Bulma came over and gave me a hug, each trying to soothe me. But I beyond help. I just kept staring blankly at the little white piece of plastic that sat in front of me. 

It's funny how something so little caused so many different emotions to course through me at once. Anger at myself and Trunks for not beind more careful. Happiness over being a mother. Worry for what the baby would have to face in this fucked up world.

Slowly, I brought my hand down to my stomach, searching. Searching for an energy in there. Almost instantly, I found one.

My emotions decided to settle on one. Happiness. It washed over me as I felt the little energy that was my child. A smile spread across my face as I looked down at my stomach. The tears that continued to spill over were joyfull ones. 

Two hands placed themselves over mine. Looking up, I saw Bulma and Chi-Chi. They were smiling at me. I hugged them both.

"Congratulations." Bulma whispered to me. I laughed softly and pulled away.

Chi-Chi squealed. "Oh! We have so much to do! We have to pick out a room, and then paint it and get supplies, we have to pick out names and clothes..." She trailed off. "But the first things we need to do is find out how far along you are, when your due, and what the gender is."

Bulma nodded in agreement. She stood up, grabbing her purse and car keys again. "I think the hospital on North Avenue is still open."

I nodded as well and stood up. I glanced at the test, which was still sitting on the table. Picking it up, I threw it away, then wash my hands. When I'm done, I look at the two women and say, "Okay, lets go."

Grinning from ear to ear, Chi-Chi grabs my hand and pulls me out to the car. Bulma laughs as she joins us. 

"To the hospital." She said, pulling out of the drive.

As we reach the hospital, butterflies dance around inside of me. I'm nervous for many reasons. What if something is wrong with the baby? Will I be able to keep him/her safe when I can barely keep others safe?

Bulma, seeing my nervousness, reaches a hand over and takes a hold of mine.

"It'll be okay." She tells me. "Everything is gonna be fine."

"You know, that's like the thousandth time some one has told me that today." I say, laughing. Bulma and Chi-Chi laugh as well.

I am three months and twenty-six days pregnant, and I'm due on May 21st. Both Chi-Chi and Bulma were slightly disappionted when we found out it was a boy, not a girl. But I didn't care. 

Either way, Trunks and I were going to be parents.

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