Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Pigeon," Trunks said, walking towards me. A warm smile was plastered on his face and his blue eyes shone brightly. Unlike him, I wasn't smiling. My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open slightly.

"I've missed you," he told me, wrapping his arms around my numb body when he reached me.

I tried to speak, but failed. I really wasn't imagining this. Trunks really was here.

I expected relief to flood through me. For joy to overwhelm all other senses. But nothing happened. I stood numbly, wrapped in Trunks' arms.

"Pigeon, what's wrong?" Trunks asked, sensing that something wasn't right. Rage ripped through me. How dare he play stupid.

"Actually, just one thing," I tell him calmly. I'm actually surprised how calm I was able to sound for how mad I was.

"What is it?" He asked, pulling away and holding me arms length away so he could read my face.

"The fact that you've been gone for two years," I growl. Before he has a chance to answer, I punch him in the face.

Trunks stumbles backwards, holding his nose. He looks at me surprised. Though that punch should have sent him flying, I didn't ponder it. The anger was taking over now.

I could see the confusion and shock in his eyes. "What?" He asked.

"Was I not clear?" I ask him in that overly calm voice. "What's wrong is the fact that you've been gone for TWO EFFIN' YEARS!"

Fire dances in my eyes and my blood boils. Lightning crackles as my Ki flares. I clench my fists together so hard that my nails cut into my flesh. Blood runs out of the wounds, dripping into the ground.

"Two-" Trunks starts.


"Pigeon, I've... I've only been gone two weeks," Trunks tells me. But there is something in his voice. Something I can't place.

"DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID?!" I shout at him. 

Trunks' eyes widen and he lets go of his nose. "Of course not," he says, walking towards me. Concern fills his eyes while fire continues to burn in mine. "I don't know what makes you think I've been gone for two years, but-" Once more, Trunks doesn't get a chance to finish.

"WHAT MAKES ME THINK?! DO YOU THINK I'M MAKING THIS UP!?" I accuse him. My power spikes dangerously, but Trunks doesn't seem to notice or care. He stops a few feet in front of me and places hands on my shoulders.

Growling, I punch him hard in the gut. A small 'oof' escapes his lips with his breath. He coughs a couple of times and takes deep breaths. 

"Moon, I-"

"DON'T! DON'T EVEN TRY TO PULL THAT SHIT ON ME! YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR TWO YEARS! DON'T DENY IT!" Tears are streaming down my face now. It felt like my heart was breaking all over again.

Trunks' hand wipes away my tears as his other grabs one of mine.

"Moon, I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I've only been gone for two weeks. I swear," Trunks insists. But I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

 "NO YOU HAVEN'T!" I scream, yanking my hand from his. I kick him in the chest, sending him backwards. Before he can get up, I phase out and reappear above him. I fire multiple Ki blasts at him, but none of them will do any real damage. As much as I want to, I can't bring myself to seriously hurt Trunks.

I stop and let the smoke clear. Trunks stands there, unharmed, looking up at me. He seems to be having a mental fight with himself. Trying to decide whether or not I'm telling the truth.

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