Author's Nonsense

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I would say this is for the lovers of immensely suggestive slow-burn romances, however, I feel that 'lovers of hot coals burning and cackling at various intervals before bursting into flames' is a far more apt description.

This is my NaNoWriMo2018 project! Truly, this was a suicidal idea. My fingers hurt and my eyes are drooping. Nevertheless, this novel has been completed within the month and I feel dead on the inside. But I'm pleased. I'm glad about how this NaNo went and would recommend it to fellow aspiring authors.

The bad news: I injured my dominant hand and can't type as quickly.

The good news: I injured my hand immediately after finishing NaNo. 😅

Without further delay, I present Beast within the Beauty. I hope you enjoy!

 I hope you enjoy!

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