Chapter Nineteen || To Face a Beast

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BEFORE  THE DAWN had cracked the sky apart with streaked wisps of orange and red, I tucked my knees into my chest and counted until the quivering of my heart steadied. My neck was stiff and my back a mess of knotted twine, as I had been sitting along the window bench for much of the night. I suppressed my shivering, determined to keep from making a sound. If the silence of the servants was to be trusted, then they had retired to their quarters. Soon, however, a few would begin to rise.

Slowly, I eased my feet onto the floor and crept from my hiding. With a glance aimed toward the masked corners and shadowed corridors, I strayed from the wall. Absentmindedly, my fingers sought out knives that had long betrayed me. There will be no need for them if everything went smoothly.

Somehow, I did not imagine that announcing my ride would bode all that very well with the maids attending me—let alone riding past the iron gates sealing these grounds from the rest of the forest. Nevertheless, it would be wise to familiarize myself with the location of the horse stables.

I slid the wooden doors apart, unprepared for the icy wind that slammed into me. It made quick work of seeping through my flesh and nestling deep in the marrow of my bones. My arms crossed over my chest and I clenched my teeth as to stop their chattering. I nearly turned on my heel to retrieve warmer garments, though I suspected that could not be done without interruptions. The cold nipped at the tip of my nose, daring me to raise my head.

Snow had heaped onto the castle grounds, leaving the sodden earth buried beneath. The roses had long vanished, not a single trace piercing through the snow. The barest glimmer of light drew my eyes to the crystal icicles clinging to the castle shingles. A sheet of ice had frozen over the stone castle walls, glazing every gap and ridge.

I stepped out into the cold, taking a moment to study the frosted scenery. Only the sound of snow crunching beneath my feet and my chattering teeth found my ears. No birds, no rustling leaves, no trickling water—the ice had made sure everything else was rendered mute.

Until I heard the whickering of a horse.

I held my breath and stilled, straining an ear for the sound. With shaky steps, I pranced over the snow, searching for the source of the noise. Soon, a worn structure of frosted wood came to view. The barn was old, I noted as I heard the groaning of wood with every sway the wind brought on. The horse stables were tucked in the side of the castle—attached to it. Likely some frivolous luxury demanded as to spare one the daunting task of walking in the cold. I loosed a breath, sparing a moment to admire the cloud before me. The sun has not yet deigned to warm the earth.

The stable doors were laden with frost and jagged spears of ice. The floor before the stable gates had been shoveled as not to blockade the doors from opening. I bit down on my tongue and pulled the doors open, noting that my fingertips had gone numb to the cold.

I was met with the familiar smell of wet hay and horse droppings. Gingerly, I stepped through the dried hay and drew a hand along the wood. A layer of dust and dirt gloved my palm. What unnerved me was the lantern hanging on one of the posts. It made the emptiness of the stalls all the more discernible.

A dark stallion leaned against the walls of his enclosure, grunting in pain. I frowned, noticing the leg the horse lifted—and the man kneeling beside him.

"What are you doing here?"

The man stilled a moment, stiffening as I spoke. For a moment, he was quiet. "I am the lord of this castle. I see no reason as to why I should not be welcome here, or for that matter, anywhere else."

"You certainly are not welcome in my quarters," I pointed out through clenched teeth. Before my shuddering overtook me, I turned my back to him and reverted my attention to the massive stallion. He stood well over me, easily rivaling the horses used by chevaliers. Gently, I held my hand up to the side of the horse's neck.

Beast within the Beauty || A Beauty and the Beast RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now