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[inspired by Ancestral Knowledge by Lerms]


Love is a mysterious thing.

Everything is born with the capacity to love. A child is born with indescribable love for their parents, the first sight captured by their newborn eyes and the first gentle caress against their tender skin. A plant sprouts with love for the earth they're rooted in, tickled by a a soft spring breeze, stretching towards the aqua sky it yearns. An animal is born with love for the life they've been given, pursuing no purpose or meaning behind the gift, only seeking to exist to continue the cycle of life and love.

Many things are created from love. Wars were born from opposing ideals of love, fierce refusal giving way to deadly pride. Peace was born through a love of understanding and a realization that it doesn't have to take the same form from person to person. Sadness was born from a love lost, guilt born from a love not protected, and anger born from a love abused. Jealousy grew in a love without trust and camaraderie grew in a love sharing a mutual goal.

Love is complex. It takes shape in different ways, a different type of love for different types of bond. Storge, a natural affection shared between family. Eros, a burning flame of indulgence felt between two becoming one, quick to be snuffed out. Philia, a dispassionate, virtuous connection represented by loyalty between friends and a sense sacrifice for a close knit group. Ludus, a stomach-churning playfulness felt between those still grasped by budding adoration. Mania, an obsessive coping mechanism of those seeking a sense of self-value. Pragma, an infatuation maintained through time and grown from effort on both sides. Philautia, an understanding that one must learn to care for themselves before they can care for others.

And agape, the purest, most selfless form of love ; an unconditional love, a boundless compassion, an infinite empathy. A spiritual love, a universal loving kindness bigger than oneself. It is free from desires and expectations, and loves regardless of the flaws and shortcomings of others. A love that accepts, forgives, and believes for our greater good. They are all different forms of love, each as beautiful and as necessary as the last.

Love can make people. A child birthed into love will have an intrinsic understanding of the powerful emotion and be able to spread it through all aspects their lives ; they learn to love and appreciate everything while understanding how love can be hurt. Love can turn a person who is habitually fearful, anxious, angry, and solemn to someone who is energetic, grateful, compassionate and adventurous. Someone touched by the purest form of love can start to change themselves for the better, interpreting the transformation only as them trying their hardest to return the joy they receive.

Love can break people. It can blind those caught in its clutches and force them to act outside of reason. They can lash out, destroy themselves, and ignore what really matters in life. Love can be a poison, bittersweet and fleeting and all too addicting. People can can be victims of love, ignoring bruises and broken bones for empty promises of affection that will never be realized. With love comes vulnerability.

Love is a giver. It creates homes, families, and communities strengthened by a deeper understanding and a knowledge of the joy it brings. Love gives people a reason to return safely and an excuse to move towards a brighter future. Love becomes a security blanket, warm and heavy.

Love is a taker. It takes time and commitment. And when love leaves, it takes a little bit of the person with them and leaves a heart heavier than any material known to man. Love becomes a wound, sensitive to the touch and throbbing at any intention to heal.

Love can make a person stronger. It can give them a reason to grow stronger, driven by the desire to protect their object of affection. Love encourages people to mold a better future and take better care of themselves to be able to enjoy the connection for that much longer. Its presence puts a smile on a person's face after an arduous day full of stress and annoyance.

Love can make a person weaker. Knees tremble and hearts hammer in the presence of love. Thoughts of the worst are formed when love is threatened, bringing about reckless behavior. Love can be draining both physically and mentally, internally killing someone when their love threatens to leave.

Love is something born out of nothing. Something beautiful felt by a lucky few. The few who felt it only felt it because they had each other. In each other, they had everything. And when they realized they had everything, nothing became more important than that. Nothing else truly mattered.

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