Chapter 7: Skip

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3 Months Later....

Cecilia's POV

"Anthony but I want to work," I said and rubbed my small baby bump. "No I already have another maid," Anthony told me and I cursed under my breath. I sat on our bed. Yes you heard correctly! Anthony and I share a bedroom now. He wants to be there every time I have morning sickness and wants to protect the baby along with me. That's when I felt I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Anthony held my hair back and rubbed my back. When I was finished I brushed my teeth and grabbed a gum. "Today is the day we will find out if the baby is a girl or a boy," Anthony said with excitement. I smiled and took a quick shower after I pushed Anthony out of the bathroom. I decided on wearing black yoga pants with an old high school t-shirt. I French braided my hair and put on a little but of make up. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a pickle from the fridge. I loved pickles and have been craving them more during the pregnancy. I then was guided to the truck by Anthony. I finished my pickle in the truck but Anthony had taken a bite. I scolded him but he gave me a puppy face. We arrived at the doctor's office and Anthony carried me from the truck to the doctor's office. "Anthony put me down," I said and he responded with," I remember how clumsy you are. So from now on I will carry you." I groaned making Anthony chuckle. "Hello we are here for the eleven o'clock appointment with Dr. Gonzalez," I told the nurse and she nodded. "Right this way," the nurse said and led us to the closest room. I sat on the table and then the doctor walked. "Are you ready to find out what the baby's gender is?" Dr. Gonzalez asked and I nodded. He put the gel on my stomach and next thing I know I hear the familiar heart beat. I smiled and I felt Anthony squeeze my hand. Anthony was super excited for the baby even though it wasn't his. He felt protective of the baby and myself which I loved. "It looks like you are having a baby girl," Dr. Gonzalez said and I smiled. Tears started to fill my eyes. "A baby girl," I whispered and Anthony kissed my cheek. "Congratulations to you both. Everything seems to look okay. Your due date will be sometime in June," Dr. Gonzalez told us and I nodded.

The Billionaire's MistakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora