Chapter Eleven

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|Performance Center|

Shawn's Pov:

I looked up when I saw Miley, Roman, Seth and Dean walk through the door. "Young lady I'm disappointed in you for lying to get out of school," I said after hugging her. "Hey Seth's the one who lied not me," Miley said with a laugh.

"She's right about that," Roman said laughing as well. "Hey you have to admit it worked like a charm," Seth said shrugging.

"That it did," Dean said. "Ok ok I believe you. So what's really going on?" I asked and Roman told me how Dolph had challenged him to a wrestling match. "My dad taught me a few beginner moves but he got really sick before he could teach me anything advanced. Plus Mom put her foot down and told Dad not to teach me anymore," he said.

"hmmm I see," I said. "Daddy I was telling Roman that you could teach him what you've taught me," Miley said. "Please Shawn..... Dolph's getting under my skin and I just want it to stop," Roman said.

I nodded. "I know how you feel about him," I said. "Hunter and I could tell you some stories about how his dad got under our skin as Nicky from the Spirit Squad." Roman Seth and Dean all snorted with laughter at that. "Stupid cheerleaders," Seth said.

"Yup," Miley said nodding. "Well let's get started. What has your dad already taught you?" I asked Roman as we climbed into the practice ring. "He taught me two of his moves: Superman punch and spear," Roman said.

"All right I'll teach you Sweet Chin Music which is basically a superkick," I said. "And Hunter is over there he could teach you his signature move.....the Pedigree."

"Awesome. Thanks Shawn.....I mean Dad,* Roman said and I looked at him in surprise. Miley did too. "You called me Dad," I said. "Well it's been almost four years since my dad died......I figured it was time," Roman said.

I really didn't know what to say then so I started teaching Roman my signature kick. He caught on fast and he knocked me on my ass quite a few times.

"Sorry Dad," Roman said for the seventh time after he knocked me on my ass. "It's ok son. I don't mind," I said. Hunter came over then and taught Roman (and Seth, who suddenly was really interested) how to do the Pedigree.

After a few hours Roman had all the moves down pat. "Thanks Dad this should be enough to put Dolph in his place," Roman said as we were taking a soda break. "Good. Just be careful not to hurt him too severely. We don't want a lawsuit on our hands," I said.

"Don't worry I'll keep it dialed back. But he does anything to Miley," Roman said looking at her, "and all bets are off." I smiled at that. "You're really protective of her," I said tossing my empty can into the recycling bin.

Roman nodded. "I don't know if Mom told you, but when I was six, my mom and dad fostered a little girl. She was from China. Her name was Juni," he said. I shook my head. "No your mom never told me this," I said. "Well I grew protective of her and I loved her. I wanted Mom and Dad to adopt her. They agreed and the process got underway. Then....," Roman stopped and swallowed hard.

Miley took Roman's hand and squeezed it. "Juni and I were playing in the front yard. I threw a ball to her and it bounced into the street. Juni ran after it and I ran after her to stop her. A car came out of no where and hit her," Roman said, "and I ran for Mom and Dad telling them I tried to stop her but she didn't hear me. She died instantly. Ever since that day I promised myself if I ever got another sister I would protect her with my life."

"Wow," was all I could think of to say. When Roman set his heart on something he follows through with it.

Miley's Pov:

I looked at Roman and fell in love with him all over again. The story he had told Daddy was sad but it made me realize why Roman was so protective of me.

Roman pulled me and Daddy outside to talk privately. "Dad what Miley and I feel for each other is true love. I mean I know that we're step siblings but that shouldn't matter. I've been in love with Miley long before you and Mom even met," Roman said.

I stared at Roman. Where was he going with this, I wondered. "I understand that Roman. But what if Miley gets pregnant? Do you know the consequences that would bring to our family?" Daddy asked him.

"Daddy, there's no chance of that. I'm on the pill remember?" I said after I saw the uncomfortable look on Roman's face. "Plus I would use protection if it came to that," Roman said.

"Ok. Just if you two do can I put extremely careful ok?" Daddy said and Roman and I smiled at each other. "We will Daddy. We promise," I said.

Suddenly my stomach gave a lurch and I ran for the bathroom. I barely made it before I threw up into the toilet. "Ok that was sudden," I said to myself. I thought back and realized I hadn't gotten my period last month. "Shit!" I whispered.

"Baby?" I heard Roman call and knock on the door. "You ok?" I rinsed my mouth out and opened the door. "I'm fine baby," I said smiling.

"Ok come on we gotta get back for the match," Roman said and we walked back to Daddy. "I'll be there for support," Daddy said to Roman. "But if he's anything like his dad, it'll be an easy win for you." "Thanks," Roman said as we walked to my car with Seth and Dean. "Time to kick ass," Roman said and we headed back to school.

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