Stranger Danger

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Narrator's POV

Car horns filled the silence. A slight breeze flew into the room of our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. The golden crisp sun crept its way into his room, showering the walls in gold.

The warm light slowly creeping up the face of a teenage boy laying in bed, heating up a well shaped chin, climbing up soft lips, past a cute button nose, and finally up to closed eyes.

Eyelids opened to reveal two beautiful brown eyes, blinking several times, adjusting to the golden light hitting them.

There was a sigh in the room. A sigh of relief.

Ah, Saturday.

Peter laid there in his bed, tangled in the sheets and covers. His chest rising slowly with each breath he took.

A small breeze blew into his room, making the curtains dance.

The smell of rain mixed with cigarettes and exhaust pipes filled the air. It wasn't unpleasant, he had grown used to it. It was sort of a beautiful smell.

He checked his phone on his side table, which consisted of a lamp and several empty cereal bowls.

11:32 am

He sat up, stretching his arms, his back arched and a yawn coming from his mouth. The bruise on his rib cage wasn't as sore as it'd been last night.

He let all his muscles relax, now his back had a hunch, and his shoulders dropped low. He scratched his back and sat on the edge of his bed. He looked around for a bit before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

He looked in the mirror of the medicine cabinet hanging above the sink, a toilet stood no more than a foot away from the sink; and next to the toilet was the bathtub with a copper pipe running up one wall and ending with a copper shower head.

He narrowed his eyes at his reflection in the mirror, and reached for his messy hair. His fingers dug themselves deeply into the the jungle of tangled and wrecked caramel hairs. His hands moved quickly, making the caramel strands shake. His hands were soon on the sink as he looked at his reflection in the mirror once more. He laughed, his hair even messier than it had originally been. He closed the door behind him and started the water.

Meanwhile downstairs, Aunt May had a few visitors over.

"It's been so long since I've seen you two." She smiled at the visitors she had, going in for a hug.

"We could say the same May."

"Please sit down. Would you two like some coffe? Tea, Stephen?" She said, going over to one of the cabinets next to the fridge.

"Tea would be pleasant."

"Lavender tea coming right up." She said, taking a small box out of the cabinet.

"How'd you-"

"Tony told me."

"Oh." Stephen looked at Tony, who gave him a small smile. He smiled back at him.

"And a cup of coffee, black please." Tony answered, reaching for a chair; only to have Levi pull it out for him to sit in. "Well thank you." He sat down.

Stephen took a seat next to him.

"So, where's Peter?" Asked Tony, only earning a look from Stephen.

"Oh, he's up stairs. He doesn't know you two were-"

"I'm afraid that's not entirely true." Interrupted Stephen. "He has left the building already." He informed.

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