(9) Body & Facial Language: Joy/Happiness/Peace

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Their eyes beamed with gladness
She grinned from ear to ear
Her eyes smiled
We cavorted
She basked in his presence, a half grin forming
He grinned, dimples coming into form
Eyes connecting, they smirked
He jumped up and down
She smiled, cheekbones rising
She grinned, cheekbones forcing her eyes to squint
The flecks in her eyes flickered with glee
His pupils dilated
She crooned
I gamboled
He kept his chin up
We giggled so hard our cheeks hurt
She dashed
They applauded
She moved closer, eyes widening
He plastered a smile on his face
He put his head in his palms and smiled
She giggled girlishly
Her eyes lit up
His heartbeat accelerated
Her pulse raced
Her dog's tail wagged, mostly to the right
She sang under her breath
She hummed the song in her heart
She belted out a song
He danced around the room
She bellowed her favorite tune
He screamed on the inside
She shimmied
He sniggered
They hooted
He raised his hands, rejoicing
She strutted
Her smile radiated light
She lit up the whole room
She tittered
He guffawed
She flashed her teeth
They smiled heartily, showing teeth
He laughed out loud
She doubled over and laughed
She died laughing
He rolled in the aisles
They fell down laughing
He relished
She shouted
She sung his praises
She shook her pom-poms
He pumped his fists in the sky
He raised his hands to the ceiling
He basked
We partied
She kicked both legs behind her
She kicked her legs behind her, hands raised high
He cheered
She smiled and sighed
She reveled in it
She picked her chin up
He lifted his eyes off the ground
Her eyes gleamed
They snickered together
She's glowing all over
His skin glowed
She walked on sunshine
He clapped his hands and whistled
His eyes glistened
Her spirit leapt
Her soul took delight
His heart danced
She walked, swaying her hips and arms dramatically
He straightened his posture
His countenance lifts
Her muscles relaxed
She made merry
We pranced
They skipped, hand in hand
Tension released from his face as he smiled
He opened his arms to her
She unclenched her hands
Her hips moved fluidly
They chortled She bopped
He boogied
She twirled
We chuckled
A certain grace encircled her
She smiled, crinkling her eyes and nose
She swung her arms as she promenaded
We frolicked
They wrapped their arms around each other in an embrace
They skipped
She hugged
He kissed
He slid down the railing
She talked a mile a minute
He couldn't catch his breath
Her jaws dropped
Crows-feet showed up at the sides of her sparkling eyes
She perked up
He winked
His shoulders loosened up
Her facial muscles relaxed
She blushed
He gloated
She congratulated
He pats himself on the back
He rubbed his hands together
She gave her blessing
He took pleasure
They celebrated

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