It was my Fault

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Josh and I were seniors in highschool, who wanted to become math majors. He was more into solving difficult puzzles, I was more into making the solutions more faster and clean. Nonetheless, we were both teenage boys who enjoyed messing around with one another.

On his birthday his sister gave him a 10×10×10 Rubix's cube. His parents gave him a car: an old mustang his father had just finished tuning up the week prior. I gave him a book about the history of math.

Throughout the next couple of weeks I noticed him changing. He started to talk less and less, and started to grow thinner and thinner and become more and more tired. At lunch his hands would just fidget under the lunch table. He spent most of his time either at home or at the library.

After a three month absence from school, it was announced that he had an eating disorder and starved himself to death.

We had an assembly for him in the gym. When it was his sisters turn to speak she started off saying nice things about him before breaking down and blubbering about how is was her fault he was dead. He never had an eating disorder. He spent all his time trying to solve the Rubix's cube she gave him for his birthday.

That was when I remembered, this one time, he had went to the washroom and left the Rubix's cube on his desk. I thought it would be funny if I rearranged the stickers on it.

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