chapter 13-sleeping over

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                 CHAPTER 13

After a few hours of torturing me they put me in the car and drove to my house, i looked out the window and i could see all three of the boys arguing in the front law.

They soon pulled over and pushed me out of the car i fell into the grass as they drove off as fast as possible. Dash quickly came running to me "What happened where were you?" Dash said.

I was too weak to answer i just cried into his shoulder. "What happened who were those people?" Dash asked.

"I-It was Cole" i said finally with all my strength. Dash quickly pulled me into a hug i screamed in pain he accidentally touched my sore arm that I'm pretty sure had tons if bruises.       

"What did they do to you?" Scott asked i could see pain and worry in his eyes as he saw me in pain.

"Nothing they just hit me"i said as i closed my eyes shut in pain. "Ok then we cant let dad see you like this he will freak!" Dash shouted.

"Then what am i supposed to do?" i asked  "Umm.....oh Scott can we use your shower?" Dash asked.

"Yeah sure" Scott said immediately said i felt Dash carry me bridal style into Scott's house i turned around and saw Cole's car hiding behind a tree.

I wanted to say something but i was to tired ,Dash sat me down in the bathroom sink while he turned on the water.

"Can-can you bring me some clothes?" i asked as i looked down at mine they were ripped at some placed and stained with blood

I looked at my self in the mirror i had different colored bruises. i had a black eye and a busted lip i looked awful.

"Um sure i just just well i don't want to get your under clothes" he said as he scratched the back of his neck "Ok then just go in my room open the window and I'll pick them out and put them in a bag" i said like if it was obvious.

"but you cant even walk!" he said as he put his hands in his head  i placed my hand on his shoulder "I never ever let a spy opportunity pass" i said as i put on th most serious face ever  but i really wanted to burst out laughing.

"Fine ill get your clothes what do you want to were?" he asked ,"just some pants and a long sleeved shirt" i said "why aren't you going to get hot?" he asked.

"hey i i got lost of bruises and do you really want me sleeping in small clothes with boys?" i said "good point well bye oh and don't lock the door so i can put your clothes in here when I'm back" he said as he left i closed the door .

i un dressed my self with a lot of work i had pain in every single inch of my body i let the water hit my skin i looked at my arms and they had cuts and bruises they had beat me with a wire i suddenly heard the door open.

"Dash is that you ,you can just put the clothes in the sink" i said i heard no response "Dash?"i asked getting a little nerves "Dash?" i asked one more time i poked my head of of the curtain but covering my body i saw nobody there just a towel i got a little freaked out i quickly got all the shampoo out of my hair.

i reached my hand for the towel still covering my self i felt watched i rapped the towel around me like a dress my clothes still weren't here why would Dash drop off a towel but not my clothes.

i looked at my dirty clothes i picked them up and placed them in the sink i turned on the water and washed my clothes until i got most of blood off  something caught my eye a little red light i turned around and it was a camera.

i quickly grabbed it and walked out side of the bathroom don't worry i still had my towel on i found Luke and Scott whispering i handed them the camera.

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