Part 11

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Laurens POV

"I can't believe this. I mean what the fuck. I am so done" I thought to myself while walking away from camila's room. 

Was she just playing with me.

did she leave her note book out because she knew I might snoop through it. all of this a lie. I thought we had a chance. clearly she had different plans 

and so do I 

So much for not making the same mistakes again

Camilas POV

I am bored out of my mind. There is literally nothing to do in here and I know my mom wants to give me my space but I kinda wish Lauren was here. 

*Knock knock* 

"Come in" I yell

"Hey, I was just coming by to see how you were" He said

"oh hey um yeah I'm pretty good" I said back

"oh well that's good, I got you these" He said while handing me flowers

Being the nice person I am I took them and gave him a hug

I could've sworn I saw someone at the door out of the corner of my eye but when I looked, no one was there

"Hey is something up, you seem...different" he asked

"Yeah I-Im good I just thought you were someone else" I stated sadly

"hey it was nice of you to stop by but Im kinda tired" I said while turning over

"OK bye" he said while leaving

Of course I started crying when he left. I was hoping Lauren would come and tell me how she feels, but of course not.

I just have to wait

Dinahs POV

ok so I'm kinda getting worried because I know full well that if Lauren told camila she would have immediately called me and started freaking out.

But nothing, not even a text

And I know what you might be thinking well maybe she got held up in traffic or she stopped to buy her flowers


1- We literally only chose this restaurant because its like a 5 minute drive from the hospital in case something happens


2-There's a gift shop in the hospital and even if she didn't go there. there is one right beside the hospital

But somethings up. I definitely need to go and check up on camila

About 15 minutes later I arrive at the hospital, and I know I said a 5 minute drive but that's if you don't stop at a coffee shop first, anyways, I immediately head for the elevator and straight to camilas room

I go to open the door and immediately hit with the idea. What if they're...oh god imma kill her if she is.

I go in anyways 

"I swear if ya'll freaks are getting it on Imma smack you" I said 

"will you calm down its just me" she said sadly

I immediately knew that Lauren must've not come to the hospital and if she did she told mila some pretty bad news

"did lauren-" 

"No" she cut me off

"Oh" was all I could get out

"Oh?" she questioned

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