Part 14

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Laurens POV

Oh my god that was the most wonderful thing I've experienced in my entire life. It was like her lips were made for mine. I wanted to keep kissing and god I could've. I could kiss her forever and never get tired, but we have to talk. 

I think she answered my song with hers. But I don't understand why she said I was breaking her heart still. I mean I literally sung a song about me loving her but not sure if she loved me back.

We don't live to far from home so I ran hoping I would beat camila and luckily I did but not by much though.

Once I heard her pull into the driveway, I ran upstairs into her room. I don't know how this is gonna go down but I can't let her slip away again.

I saw a shadow enter and heard her singing 

this was it

Camilas POV

The entire car ride home the only thing I could think about was the kiss and where Lauren was. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it: I love her

As soon as I pulled into the driveway I didn't see any lights on, which meant Lauren wasn't there. God hearing the song I sang disgusted her so much, she can't even be in the same house as me.

Thinking about it she probably ran straight to Lucy.

Great job camila

 I locked the front door and went to the kitchen. I saw a note and read it.

Camila and Lauren,

We got an emergency call from our office in phoenix. We'll be back in a few days. We love you. Also we left some food money. it should tie you guys over till we get back.

Love you,


Oh thank god, I can now cry in piece

As I made my way upstairs I started singing

  "And i'm so, i'm so in love with you
Here still wishing and hoping and waiting to hear it from you
Let me hear it from you

I walked into my room and laid on my bed

"Why can't you love me the way I love you" I said aloud 

I heard my stomach growl. I realized I hadn't eaten since this morning so I got up and was about to leave my room when I felt someone push me against the wall and kiss me. 

I probably should've fought back but I recognized those lips from anywhere. Although it's kinda really fucking weird that whoever kissed me at school was now in my house. I realized how weird this was and I quickly pushed them off. I ran to my light switch and turned it on.

To say I was shocked was an understatement

"I do love you"

That was all I heard before I passed out.


I woke up. Alone. Wow...that was the best yet most disappointing dream ever.

I jumped when I heard my door open. Mostly because no One was here When I came home and I assumed Lauren was at Lucy's

"Here" she said while handing me a glass of water "drink this"

"wow...what a dream" I whispered

"seriously" Lauren deadpanned

"what" I questioned

  "Are you- seriously. You know what. Screw it." she said 

what? she is so con-

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