january 24th

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The following morning, Mia got a text from Cassie asking her to sit for her painting again, and Mia found herself agreeing despite the mountain of work she had. This time, Cassie had asked Mia to sit in during lunch, so Mia picked up some lunch for the both of them and brought them up to the art room Cassie was in. There were about seven other students sat in the room, three were working on paintings or sculptures, including Cassie, whilst the other four were sat around one of the tables chatting and eating their lunch. Mia felt their eyes on her as she entered the room and made her way over to where Cassie was sat next to a very large canvas. Cassie tilted the canvas away from Mia slightly as she approached so Mia couldn't see what she had painted, making Mia pout slightly. Seeing this, Cassie smiled and pulled Mia into a hug. As she did this, she whispered in Mia's ear.

"Don't pay attention to the group in the corner; they're only staring because didn't believe that we were together when I said I was dating the head girl." Mia looked up at Cassie in surprise at this.

"Is that the only reason you asked me to come up here today?" She asked, and was pleased to see Cassie fidget slightly.

"No, of course not. I do need you to sit though, it's much better to paint from real life than from pictures." She let go of Mia, who put her hand on her arm.

"Can I see what you've painted so far?" she asked.

"Nope. You're not seeing this until it's finished I'm afraid." She grinned and shooed Mia over to the chair that hadn't been moved since Mia had last been in the room. "Now be a good girlfriend and sit still for me." Mia glared at Cassie who grinned. "Please?" Mia sighed and sat in the chair begrudgingly; trying her best to recreate the pose she had been sat in a few nights ago. It felt even sillier to sit in the chair in her school uniform. She pulled out her phone and put on a podcast to listen to and sat as still as she could. Mia closed her eyes and allowed the rest of the world to melt away as she focused on the podcast playing in her ears.

After a while, Mia felt someone gently shake her arm, and she opened her eyes. Cassie was looking at her bemusedly.

"Did you really just fall asleep?" Mia flushed red, embarrassed.

"No! I was just, resting my eyes and trying to focus on this podcast I'm listening to." She switched her phone on and showed Cassie the cover, making her nod disbelievingly.

"Sure thing Grandpa. Good news is that while you were 'resting your eyes' I got a picture of you, and you looked very cute." Mia glared at her and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's nearly the end of lunch, so you probably want to head back to your room so you are ready for afternoon classes. Thanks for bring lunch and sitting for me by the way. It's been really useful and I've made loads of progress." At this, Mia remembered that she had forgotten to eat her own lunch, so she pulled on of the sandwiches out of her bag and started munching it as watched Cassie start to tidy up her art supplies.

"Do you want me to wait for you and walk with you to history?" Mia asked. To her surprise, Cassie shook her head.

"No you go ahead, I'm not going to history today, I've got more rugby practise, and we're leaving this afternoon to go play an away game at another school." Mia nodded and gave Cassie a hug.

"In that case, I'll see you around Cassie." She said and left the room, blowing a kiss over her shoulder to Cassie, who waved in response.

As Mia was walking back from the art rooms to her afternoon classes, she absentmindedly checked her snapchat. When Cassie's story came up, Mia nearly dropped her phone. Cassie hadn't mentioned that she had posted the picture online! The picture was of Mia with her eyes closed and her head leaning on one of her fists, with the caption 'sleeping beauty' with a bunch of different heart emojis as well as a hand drawn heart around Mia's head. Mia grumbled. While it was a pretty sweet picture, she was still going to kill Cassie when she next saw her. She sent a picture of her grumpy face with 'I'm going to kill u' to Cassie, whose response was simply her sticking her tongue out at Mia. Before Mia had the chance to respond, the teacher entered the classroom and Mia was forced to put her phone away.

Later that evening, Mia remembered that as Cassie had been missing from history lessons recently due to her playing the away game. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Mia remembered that she still needed to text Cassie to remind her about their catch up session for their joint history project. They had made absolutely no progress on it, thanks to Cassie's messing around and teasing in their last history lesson. She texted Cassie, who replied to her texts within seconds.

Cassie <3

We still need to do the history presentation!

Yeah lmao

How about we do it on Saturday? Then we don't need to worry about it anymore

Sounds good, see you then Valentine

Mia rolled her eyes at the nickname, but didn't bother correcting her

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Mia rolled her eyes at the nickname, but didn't bother correcting her.

The rest of the week flew by as the workload increased. Mia's teachers didn't really seem to care that everyone was still trying to recover from having a three week Christmas holiday and Mia felt like she was doing homework constantly. As a result, Mia found that she had barely any time to spend with Cassie, so the most time they could spend together was at breakfast and dinner. As much as Mia didn't want to admit it, she was beginning to enjoy the time she spent with Cassie, and was almost glad that Max had broken up with her. Almost. There were still moments where Mia caught herself missing Max, but Mia tried to suppress those moments as much as possible.


next update on thursday


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