january 29th

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Mia was getting more and more into the swing of term as the days went on, and she found that she was functioning more on autopilot than having to really think about what she was doing. For a change, Mia decided to walk between her classes by going via the outside of the building. It was a much quicker route than by going entirely inside the school building, but the weather had been somewhat milder in the past couple days, the sun was shining for what felt like the first time in ages, and there was even a team practising on the pitches. As soon as Mia stepped outside, however, she regretted it, and regretted even more not bringing her scarf with her, as whilst it was sunny, the winter afternoon was still bitterly cold and Mia's school blazer was not enough to protect her from the chill. As she walked, her breath fogged out in front of her in little puffs and Mia shivered, making sure to keep up a quick walking speed.

She passed the football pitches, and as she did, she noticed that the players practising were the girl's rugby team. Mia slowed her speed and scanned the players, seeing if she could spot Cassie. She was pretty easy to notice. She had her hair up in a ponytail, her long hair trailing down her back, and she was wearing a tight long sleeved top underneath her team shirt. Somehow, in this weather she was still wearing shorts. Mia couldn't help but stare. She would never admit it, but Cassie's butt looked good in those shorts. Mia found she was unable to stop herself from staring at Cassie (and her amazing ass) for a considerable amount of time, and she caught herself and snapped herself out of it, embarrassed. Luckily, it looked like none of the team was paying attention to her as they were all engrossed in the game at hand.

Mia felt a tap on her shoulder and she jumped a foot, much to the amusement of whoever had tapped her. She turned around and came face to face with Arisa, a six foot tall, half Japanese girl, who was stood with a large sports bag slung over her shoulder. She had her head tilted to the side and she squinted at the glare of the sun as she studied Mia, her face otherwise expressionless.

"Aren't you the girl that's dating Frost?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Mia felt her pulse quicken and her palms get sweaty. She was still trying to get used to people knowing that they were dating which was weird, considering that was the whole point of their fake relationship. Mia could only manage a shaky nod in the towering girl's presence. A large smile broke out across her face and she clapped Mia on the shoulder. "Congratulations! I never thought she would be able to get a girlfriend to be honest, she such a slob, but it's good that she's got you." She stuck her hand out, which Mia shakily shook. "I'm Arisa." Mia smiled nervously.

"I'm Mia." She replied. Arisa nodded.

"Yeah, I know. You're head girl right? I'm pretty sure I voted for you, although to be honest, I don't really remember." She grinned cheekily. "You and Frost are super cute together, and Frost is such an upgrade from that guy Max to be honest." Mia blushed.

"Thank you very much." Arisa smiled at Mia.

"And don't worry, I won't tell her that you were checking out her ass while she was playing just now." She winked and tapped the side of her nose knowingly. Mia spluttered, and scrambled to find the words to correct her, but Arisa was already jogging out across the playing field to join the rest of the team, yelling out an apology to the coach for her lateness. Mia shook herself. Speaking of lateness, if Mia didn't hurry, she would be late for English as well.

For the rest of the day, her interaction with Arisa continued to play on a loop in her mind, and each time she found herself blushing in embarrassment. She was sure that Arisa would be true to her word and not tell Cassie that she had been staring, but she was pretty embarrassed that she had even been staring in the first place. Mia had never really been someone who cared about looks or people's bodies when she dated them, but for some reason, she couldn't seem to get Cassie's ass out of her mind. It was like it was permanently burned into her brain or something.

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